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  • ...and, have you been to (or know about) Kachina (2012)? Google that one - oh boy... craziness :) I learned quite a bit about 'spiritus sanctus' there. Not the 'reversed' spiritus sanctus a la 'you know who'.
    ...well, reading...intuition(!)...feeling my way in the dark. Having witnessed the 'light' side of the spiral (above the sun and the moon), and understanding that the 'dark' side of it is inherent. :shock:
    ...this is where I was leaning to when I first thought of getting out of here. Non-attachment. But, conversations like these more or less kept me here. There are a few good people. Oh, and Word = Sword to me, that's what I get from 'dices and slices' :) seems I have a new visitor message but can't retrieve it. Looks like your journal is toast, eh? Fun stuff!
    ...that's a pretty cool way to explain! The game I had played lasted a couple of hours. I was totally losing focus toward the end. I still managed somewhat of a 'chessface' and didn't show it though :lol:
    ...I haven't talked about chess in ages, haven't played in forever. After this discussion I end up playing chess with my neighbor! I had an awesome time. Drank beers, :leaf: , and was good and silent for almost a couple of hours. I guess chess would be a good spatial orientation exercise?

    "was good and silent for almost a couple of hours" Hmmm, maybe I should introduce my wife to the game :) :shock:
    ...agreed :) Even a priest I spoke with once kinda rolled his eyes a bit at the structures and committees. But don't tell anyone I told you that :lol: I kid, of course. Glad you're not gonna jet, Doer.
    ...awesome. It's funny how 'growth' is a 2-faced issue in this forum :lol: I do understand what you mean about not being able to discuss. I can see how it may taint my experience, or, add some kind of expectation to my travel. (anticipation?)

    OTO is the gnostic catholic church (crowley). An acolyte is before the subdeacon in hierarchy. Next is the deacon, then the bishop. Chess, anyone? :)
    ...ok, wait...I just re-read this. 3 things. "so into the imagery" - hmm, I remember you saying there's light behind the imagery. It's where I'd like to get to, but wouldn't I have to experience the imagery first and as a result be 'so into it'? :lol:

    Secondly, do you mean acolyte in the OTO sense?

    Irrational thirdly :D, "Sorry, I can't say more" <---that almost sounded like a 'sign off'. Is it? worries, thanks for sharing what you have! I'll give it a try and see where it ends up. Trying, as always, not to get caught up in phenomena!
    ...I had a dream / vision experience recently. It was a skyscraper on fire at the top. As my field of view changed I noticed a church steeple. On that steeple was a man swinging around it, having a great 'ole time.

    ...I say yes. The world is crazy, and the people that the world thought were crazy were not :) Something like that. Christ compared the church of believers to the moon - only reflecting His light.
    ...true, thanks. So, in essence, we're still trying to sort out the 'actualities' of what they said. I guess I should say "of what they did - without doing". So the tower of babel and the moon should have a link, yes?
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