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  • im confused m8...are you growing blue mystic and bublicous anymore or did they all hermie out on you? What autos you got running now or is it still fairly quiet your end?

    forgot one question in my pm as well. i told you my friend who has the 6 plants. Well he germinated the 6 autos doing the paper towel method. All six in cermaic bowl etc...you know how the story goes. Anway they got left for around 5 days in the bowl due to some neglect. However, some if not most of the seeds all had the emerging tap root and much more lol...all had grown quite a bit. Now, some paper towel had managed to get stuck around the tap root on quite a few of them. I just could not get it off and though better to leave it. Few days on the plants have all poked up above the soil and are working on their first leaves...whats your verdict on this one? :-)
    Cool stuff.. what kinda forum is it? gimme a holla if you need anything designed.. sounds like you're a lucky man having a model lady :)
    I'm currently working on my forum right now. Trying to reskin it. Then I've got a side project I'm doing for my lady, She models and wants a site for her stuff. I'm working with css atm
    Hey mate! I've actully been out of town. just got home last night. I just checked my mail i never got anything.
    Hey mate! been looking everywhere to get an invite to DGC. could you help me out? Much appreciated man

    Just tried sending you a pm mate and it said you inbox was full...need to clear out some junk!

    how are your lowryder#2's coming on? Whats your verdict on these autoflowering strains then? Where can i find the most updated pics of them?
    Hello mate, yes I have heard of BCmeds but not yet had to opportunity to use them. There's also marijuanahomedelivery.ca but again I can't comment on reliability at all. I also looked at dgc.com a bit closer, with an eye to buying, and found out that they do something really sneaky to try and fuck you over on the exchange rate. It's ridiculous, seriously so much so I wouldn't even bother. I can put you in touch with another one, much better and more discreet. The ONLY downside is that they sell a minimum of 7g, which is still okay. They got a fucking serious selection too, Purple, Bubba and OG kush, G13, Maui Wowi, Nebula, Bluberry, Sour and NY city Diesel, Jack Herer, Cali hashplant and Jamaican Pearl. Not to mention oils and hashes, and BUDDER! Give me your hushmail addresss mate I dont mind referring you, as long as you dont go shouting in the forums.
    Cool no worries mate, I'm member of the widely known Dutch Green Club. They're good but quite expensive, and registration opens and closes periodically. I'll let you know when its next open and will invite you if you like?
    Hello mate, I wondered if you could possible hook me up with an invite code for bestbud. I am member of another MoM which I can invite you to as well if you like.

    Thanks very much,

    Interested in your bubblecious grow. Do u have piks? love to see them. Did u notice that the males grew much taller and stunk to high heaven? The girl I'm growin is so bushy. This girl though doesn't stink at all. just wondering if you noticed the same traits
    get in touch at stonedcuddler@hushmail.com, they will send u a flyer.. quote ref: tropical7889 best of luck
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