Recent content by for madmen only

  1. F

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    in UK an ounce of weed is between 120-140 pounds is all that stuff about seeds and shit in the american bags??? man thats a poor show eh??? oh and the really crappy eurocrap resin (this is where all the shite goes, including plastic bags) is £45-55. there is only one answer to...
  2. F

    great movie...the wackness

    yeah set in 1994 NYC, great soundtrack...notorious BIG, NAS, tupac, smoking in every scene, weed and fags, just go ahead get onto your favourite movie site find it, roll a few spliffs, chill a beer or wine sit back and enjoy.... no violence, gross sex, cheap thrills spills or gimmicks, opening...
  3. F

    What the hell is this DROUGHT man?!??!?

    hiya mate, a drought on eh???? yeah well about 3/4 months back they busted the hash market in afganastan, biggest haul of drugs ever seized.....a full years supply of dope confiscated. yeah the size was tottally un believable....grow your own mate... lol youll find some eventually mate .... be...
  4. F

    Mandala Seeds Kalichakra Grow {comments welcome}

    hiya mate have just spotted your thread and flicked through it, mainly coz of the seed firm mandala. have used them b4 satori plant, very very impressed with their product, and by the looks of your pics you must also be pleased eh. say whats the smoke like as im looking to change from the haze...
  5. F

    any recomendations for a happy giggly smoke?

    hiya their yeah just after sum recs from growers of the happy, giggly, munchie type of weed pls...have a sat and indica strain im happy with but am gettin a little bored and resistant, so am after any good strains i could try... would prefer an IBL, esp the happy giggly sort. also i grow...
  6. F

    link for a indy smokers movie

    hiya just found this movie, low buidget indy thing and its pretty good so heres the link, oh and its about smoke.... hope u enjoy Watch Smokers (2008) online for free ! |
  7. F

    Indoor haze questions

    hiya crazy thanx for the reply, sorry if its taken awhile, thought id sent u sum info? sorry but the pics is out for the time being - had to sell camera jan 5 7,8, was in budapest and needed bus fare to prague to get home. lush time fuckin wicked city mate. back there in autumn low season...
  8. F

    Lemon Juice to decrease pH?

    hey there, just to thought id chip in and agree with the rest here if cash is prob then add vinegar water solution, have used this on my present grow, does stink a bit...when i nxt grow though i will sort the Ph b4 i plant the seeds. if ur worried about strength of solution try it out first with...
  9. F

    Indoor haze questions

    hiya ever1 have been a keen reader of many a post here. am from UK so my lingo might differ. must thank u pple for the energy efficient bulb that gets sum green eh :smile: well the thing is my haze from KC which in UK is really cheap, tenna for ten seeds and without mistakes id...
  10. F

    indoor soil haze Q's

    hiya ever1 have been a keen reader of many a post here. am from UK so my lingo might differ. must thank u pple for the energy efficient bulb that gets sum green eh :) well the thing is my haze from KC which in UK is fffff cheap maann tenna for ten seeds and without mistakes id...
  11. F

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    yeah hiya tech av been following ur thread coz im also on first hindu kush, last one was WW, was plsed with results but man u lot ... ahhh with all ur cheap lighting and that, but wat beautiful buds u guys get. anyway yeah so im really keepin a keen eye on this journal. have a 400 w HPS sont t...
  12. F

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    hiya all. first timer in this forum, am from UK and on my second closet grow also hindu kush, so av been following ur journal with wide eyes. am gonna plant mine tonight, been germinating for two days and 90% sor far. i just kept them warm in saucer and toilet paper. say am also using soil as...
  13. F

    hiya every1 just found site, cheers pple

    yeah im so pleased ive found this site coz ive been running through this fuckin lush hidu kush journal with excellent pics. have been scouting rnd for sum info on hindu kush and after reading several threads just thought id introduce myself. you really seem to look after each other, and so r...
  14. F

    any top tips for hindu kush grow pls??

    hiya everyone have missed this site up untill now and it looks very good. esp as my last grow was also with nirvana r these 10 pack. well im on my second indorr closet grow and would appreciate any tips hints and stuff about this strain. am in closet so sog scrog topping??? have a...