Lemon Juice to decrease pH?


Well-Known Member
I've been advised and read about using lemons to decrease soil pH... I can only assume you wouldn't want to use straight juice... anyone have any ideas on how much to dilute it, if at all?



Active Member
I have tried lemon juice and it dident work owt.
it whas probabely because I over used it.
but the best thing you can do to deal with ph is to get an organic buffer. they kep the ph constant and they are the best. once you aplie it one time you wount have to worry about your ph for about 2 months. The problem is that they are expensive and hard to get.


Active Member
The ideal Ph-value lies between 6.0 and 6.5. ‘Potgrond’ and coco have a Ph-value of 5.5 if it has higher values than you can take an action to decrease it, nevertheless I would not reccoment to use lemon juice beacause the acid in lemon juice may burn important elements of the roots.
The best thing you can do is to ask to local advisor for an organic solution.


Well-Known Member
i've been using viniger, i hope it doesn't hurt. my tap water comes out at 7.5, with a teaspoon to a gallon it brings it down to 6.4


New Member
i grow organic in soil and have never bought ph up or down. i use a few lemon drops to go down or half pinch of baking soda to go up. i've checked the ph a day later, if i didn't use it all, and its stable (for at least a 24 hours.)

I've never had a defficiency or lockout of nutes so the ph must work. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
i grow organic in soil and have never bought ph up or down. i use a few lemon drops to go down or half pinch of baking soda to go up. i've checked the ph a day later, if i didn't use it all, and its stable (for at least a 24 hours.)

I've never had a defficiency or lockout of nutes so the ph must work. hope this helps.
What soil are you growing in cult? I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and it's pretty consistent around 7.5... so I'm slowly adjusting down...


Well-Known Member
The directions that come with rock wool cubes says to use one lemon for pH down. You can also pick up some pH up and down at any pet store in the fish aquarium section.


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a bottle of organo acid which is basically concentrated citric acid.
I haven't actually had to even use it yet but i have it.
So i rekon lemon juice would work,just add a few drops per litre and then recheck your waters ph:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I recently bought a bottle of organo acid which is basically concentrated citric acid.
I haven't actually had to even use it yet but i have it.
So i rekon lemon juice would work,just add a few drops per litre and then recheck your waters ph:blsmoke:
I bought some Natural Down from Earth Juice awhile back... it's working very well at pHing the water down to 6.0, but the soil just stays at 7.0-7.5... very puzzling this pH business...

for madmen only

Active Member
hey there, just to thought id chip in and agree with the rest here if cash is prob then add vinegar water solution, have used this on my present grow, does stink a bit...when i nxt grow though i will sort the Ph b4 i plant the seeds. if ur worried about strength of solution try it out first with sum seperate soil thats not got ur plants in

say i think sumone mentioned forest soil, is that make the same 1 im thinking of big bale light and is relatively cheap in UK??? am using johnn innes myself, at min very cheap to buy in jan :)

checked that link out, and must say this community is really good and helpfull


Well-Known Member
Lemon makes the water cloudy (and no I'm not talking about pulp, hopefully you're not dropping in copious amounts of pulp), it takes about 3-4 days, but the water gets quite cloudy. Doesn't really strike me as healthy for a plant.
People tend to kill off the plant by adding too much stuff thinking it will enhance it. Once the plant is in it's second stage you can feed it co2 by mixing a small amount of lemon juice and baking soda. Straight lemon juice will most likely kill it. Weeds do not thrive on Acid like roses and other thick stemmed flowering plants. They need co2 just like all plants but weeds are co2 hogs. So a little extra will do nothing but help.