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  • So hello fellow rocket grower. I am still in early stages with mine. Had trouble with first two lamps On my 3rd one now and so far so good. Nodes super tight i keep lamp 6-8 inches away right now in a gorilla 2x2.5 tent. My curiosity have you run this solo without any other light in the room. IF so how did the flowering work out. Was the transition from veg to bud slower than normal or about the same.
    one was the first things i noticed when using this light was that the particular strain i threw under it (DNA's LA chocolate) showed strong signs of flowering much quicker than normal, pretty much immediately after putting them under 12/12, they had been vegged with t5's.
    all in all it was a solid grow under the plasma, yield was about 7.5oz, i dont have lab access or real data but the quality was good, visual frostiness was above normal hps levels and aroma and taste were excellent however overall flower size was smaller. density about the same.
    i got 7.5oz from a 4x4 section of a 4x8 tent, i used to have 2 600's in that space and id pull 10-14oz from each side pretty regularly. hope this helps, i think for a 2x2.5 the plasma is a way better option than a 250/400 hps set up,
    I read that you tested the 235 watt Rocket Plasma and pulled 211.2 g out of 235 watts total. This is really good. I have the radiant flux (W/nm) for the 3,000 K bulb. I would appreciate a short discussion on plasma lighting. Great job.
    Hope to hear from you buddy.
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    hey man sorry for the super late reply, never got too familiar with the message/alert functions on this board... but yea im quite fond of my plasma, that was my first run with it that i posted about. i managed 7.5oz out of it, but now i use it just as a supplemental light between 2 600's...
    i think its more useful that way, 2 600's with the plasma can yield pretty damn close to 2 1000's in the same area for 570watts less draw and like half the a/c usage, its great... never got around to testing it out more by itself, if i did id definately use a little smaller canopy size.
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