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  1. G

    2 x Gavita 1000 DE vs 4 x Kind LED K5 750

    Gavitas any day of the week. 4 750s would be drawing like 2600 watts of power? You could do 4 seperate 4x4s with the kinds and have no room to walk or do a 5x8 canopy with the gavitas and have comfortable working space, save 400w of power and probably yield more, 2+ #s per light seems to be...
  2. G

    Fox Farm Nutrients and Soil

    I want to preface this by saying I'm not a fan of using fox farms nutrients in fox farms soil, they make pretty a pretty decent soil mix but then for some reason tell you to muck it up with there salty fert line, if you wanna use bottles id pick something organic based that will feed your soil...
  3. G

    move from hps to led

    The guy who started this thread. Should probably share why he wants to switch to LEDs so badly. Imo the only time they are appropriate is when you straight up do not have a good way to move air around (personal grow in a closet, under the stairs etc, etc) they can work in a lot of places that...
  4. G

    move from hps to led

    Word I thought the 1200 were 700w must be thinking of the 1600 panels, a guy I trust(in terms of growing skill) bought 4 of the panels that draw 700ish watts and has been pulling only 12-13zips per light. He wanted to replace 3 1000 waters and it wasn't really cutting it.
  5. G

    move from hps to led

    Don't do it, like 5 people just said stay with hps. I'm saying it too, don't buy the Mars led. 3 1200w panels from them will be pulling like ~2100watts, more electricity than 3x600s and Id bet a sticky pound that the 3 600s yield atleast 5-10% more weight in that space with 300w less power draw...
  6. G

    DIY Airlift/Vortex Compost Tea Brewer (5-gal)

    hell yea, i use an eco commercial air #5 for a 55 gallon cone tank brewer works like a champ as long as its half full, once you take out 30 gallons it cant lift the water to the top of the pvc manifold.
  7. G

    Mars hydro 2 led question

    How many raptors were you running when your wife started getting mad? Only one? W/ 1000w? If that's the case I'm sorry to say I don't think your gonna get it any lower if you want to rock an 8x8 tent full of plants. Youll need at least 2 raptors to light half an 8x8, with the other half empty to...
  8. G

    Looking at buying a foreclosure.

    I buy foreclosures and bank owned properties w/ cash, not like a briefcase of cash haha but hard money thats in the bank. most sellers prefer it that way and as long as its in the bank when you write up a contract and can show proof of funds (just that you have them not where they came from) no...
  9. G

    No Feed, Water Only Amended FFOF

    I read somewhere once upon a time to avoid cotton seed meal or food crops cuz it can have some leftover pesticide residue so i have since never used it, if your set on starting with ocean forest or happy frog try this: (allthough youd be better off starting with just peat or coco or pro-mix or a...
  10. G

    over a pound 1 400w 2'x4' scrog

    need a wider angle shot for a good eyeballin but im gonna say just shy of 11oz max. probably closer to a hp. looks a a little fluff, to pull a pound off 8 sqft is gonna require some density or vertical height and it doesnt look like theres much below the canopy. looks good tho, just doesnt look...
  11. G

    Problems with rockwool seedlings. please help!

    You can overwater Rockwool for sure, i do a lot of hydro lettuce in rockwool and when the seedlings are small and not drinking fast they are sensitive to the amount of water in the cubes. that's what it kind of looks like to me but I've never started cannabis in rockwool cubes I'm more fond of...
  12. G

    Rocket Plasma, new(ish) plasma light

    yeah, i tested the rocket plasma in the same tents that i had previously been running with HPS lights. This particular tent was a 4x8, i used to run 600 sodium lamps in there, one on each side of the tent over a 4x4 canopy. I took one of the hps lights out and put up the plasma for that test. It...
  13. G

    i think its more useful that way, 2 600's with the plasma can yield pretty damn close to 2...

    i think its more useful that way, 2 600's with the plasma can yield pretty damn close to 2 1000's in the same area for 570watts less draw and like half the a/c usage, its great... never got around to testing it out more by itself, if i did id definately use a little smaller canopy size.
  14. G

    i got 7.5oz from a 4x4 section of a 4x8 tent, i used to have 2 600's in that space and id pull...

    i got 7.5oz from a 4x4 section of a 4x8 tent, i used to have 2 600's in that space and id pull 10-14oz from each side pretty regularly. hope this helps, i think for a 2x2.5 the plasma is a way better option than a 250/400 hps set up,
  15. G

    hey man sorry for the super late reply, never got too familiar with the message/alert functions...

    hey man sorry for the super late reply, never got too familiar with the message/alert functions on this board... but yea im quite fond of my plasma, that was my first run with it that i posted about. i managed 7.5oz out of it, but now i use it just as a supplemental light between 2 600's...
  16. G

    all in all it was a solid grow under the plasma, yield was about 7.5oz, i dont have lab access...

    all in all it was a solid grow under the plasma, yield was about 7.5oz, i dont have lab access or real data but the quality was good, visual frostiness was above normal hps levels and aroma and taste were excellent however overall flower size was smaller. density about the same.
  17. G

    one was the first things i noticed when using this light was that the particular strain i threw...

    one was the first things i noticed when using this light was that the particular strain i threw under it (DNA's LA chocolate) showed strong signs of flowering much quicker than normal, pretty much immediately after putting them under 12/12, they had been vegged with t5's.
  18. G

    hey man i see this was super old but im not too familiar with this site and am just now figuring...

    hey man i see this was super old but im not too familiar with this site and am just now figuring out these messages, but yes my first initial run was solo on this light over a 4x4 area, which i felt was pushing it a little, 2x2.5 sounds much more appropriate.
  19. G

    Rocket Plasma, new(ish) plasma light

    sorry for the old quote. i cant keep up with these internet conversations... i wouldnt say it was 90% of an hps yield, that run got me about 7.5oz, when i used to run 600's in that same tent i would pull 10-14oz per light pretty consistently, so id say maybe 60-70% of an hps yield. ATM im doing...
  20. G

    Rocket Plasma, new(ish) plasma light

    just got an email from there sales team about the new bigger 470w, also excited! definately gonna buy one. my 230w has been the only "new" lighting tech that ive tested an kept using. I now have 2, one that supplements an HPS tray and one that handles its own 4x4 veg tray