Recent content by gioua

  1. G

    420 Birthday's

    that's mine too... weird..
  2. G

    April fools

    it's foo not fool.. why do people always think it's fool? google it..
  3. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    iso and a coffee filter.. add iso to a the filter scrub.. not sure why the filter works well but it seems to be the best method for removing it for me..
  4. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    it's actually FOO the L at the end was a mistake.. check out snopes
  5. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    today the board is not allowing the letter Z.. anyone found using or attempting to use the letter Z will be forced to read the entire political section and agree with everyone's viewpoint..
  6. G


    gotta admit I think the boss lady is hawt for a skinny lady... I was going to paste some pics.. seems hot linking is disabled now too???
  7. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    FWIW... Screw cakes.... Pies are better... did a few weddings in the past... always got shots of the cakes and deco's. never did a wedding in which pies were served.. proof people are fools
  8. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    pics working today.. guess that's something?
  9. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    today the fonts look different.. missing more then just the like button today.. half the roll it up logo banner is missing + control panel stuff..
  10. G

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    amazon mang... Price: $495.85 & FREE Shipping. Details sorry folks tried to embed.. but.. seems that aint working
  11. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    ^known.. stupid effing board takes 5 mins to load.. and go from one thread to the other.. feel like I am back in the 90's with my 9600 baud modem... taking a break till they fix this...
  12. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    earthquakes have been know for making them erupt.... Yellowstone's magma chamber was just recently discovered to be 2x's larger then previously gauged. not a good thing for sure...
  13. G

    Joints, Blunts, Dab's, Bongs & Pizza?

    I cant wait for the day when all I need to do is go thru a drive thru to get my peanut butter medibles when I am in town.. day would be even better when all I have to do is call a pizza co and ask for extra EXTRA mj.. day would be the best if I can walk up to a pharmacy and say,, my co pay...
  14. G

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Yellowstone just had a 4.8 mag earthquake.. *have watched this website daily for about 4 years now.. cant recall EVER seeing a anything larger then a 3 there.. Oklahoma had another one this am as did LA
  15. G

    Healthy Homeade Edibles?

    that looks damn tasty!