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  • I may be able to help soon. As of right now I won't have any meds until the end of june. you can see my grow on the michigan forum and whats going on. With the strains I have I will only be keeping strawberry cough and possibly nevilles haze. Both are very good strains. If your interested PM me and we can talk and see what your needs are/get to know one another, as well if you have strains you like or prefer and what they do to help you!
    I read your thread where you are looking for a caregiver and that you are going through cancer treatment. I am a caregiver near your area, but I do not have any openings for a new patient. I do have some advice for you. I have treated a cancer patient very recently that has or shall I say had Hodgkin's Lymphoma a cancer of the lymph nodes. If you would like to see the whole story of me treating this patient with the cannabis oil, just send me an e-mail request and I can point you in the right direction. growgoddess@hotmail.com
    Continued ... I treated him with Rick Simpson Oil (concentrated cannabis oil) that was made with premium indica strains. Currently, he is now cancer free. I highly recommend Simpson Oil, made with high quality indica buds, for treating cancer. I also recommend to you to purchase the indica buds from a caregiver and make the oil yourself until you can get your own grow going, if that is what you choose to do. It is easy to make the oil. Here is a link to a video by Rick Simpson that shows how to make the oil. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0psJhQHk_GI
    Throughout the past 14 months of my treating patients with Simpson Oil, I must say that it has given me full confidence that everything in the Run From the Cure video is true. It is hard to believe, but I have seen firsthand what the oil can do.

    I hope this information is helpful for you.
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