Recent content by immason25

  1. I

    Weird spotting on leaves, ideas?

    Woke up the her being droopy and with these marks on the lower leaves.
  2. I

    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    Yes! We ended up getting a little under 3 oz. Smokes great but is a bit heavy on the head high side. We should have waited a little longer but lots was learned!
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    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    She’s on week 11.
  4. I

    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    Seems to be more and more yellow everyday, is that normal? Haven’t given her nutes in about a week as I get closer to harvest.
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    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    Here’s a week update for y’all! My guess would be more waiting…
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    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    Thank you for the insight! Gonna keep waiting!
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    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    Just realized that was an old photo by about a week. Here is one of her now, not much change but seems to have swelled up a bit more.
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    GG4 - Day 62 - When to harvest?

    This is my first grow and I am looking for some insight on when to harvest. Pictures are attached below.
  9. I

    GG4 Auto - Day 46

    On day 46 of an auto GG4 indoor grow! This if my first grow btw. How is she looking/what do y’all think?
  10. I

    Droopy or Wilting Leaves

    Thanks for the insight! I think im going to change up my watering schedule, the guide I was following was saying to do 1 liter a day but it just seemed like overkill.
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    Droopy or Wilting Leaves

    40% give or take
  12. I

    Droopy or Wilting Leaves

    Gotcha! It as an auto, should have put that in the original post.
  13. I

    Droopy or Wilting Leaves

    First time grower here! Over the last few days my leaves seem to be a bit droopy or wilting, I can’t tell the difference. Is this a normal amount of droop and i’m just over analyzing it? - Indoor grow (150W LED) - Watering .5-1L of water a day - Growing medium is soil - Nutrients twice a week...