Recent content by Jhef

  1. Jhef

    Mono-Silicic Acid

    What are good and cheaper alternatives to PowerSI - i have great results with the stuff but it is pricey
  2. Jhef

    Flower PPM needs

    Yea i used these charts for about 2 weeks last run and it really started effing with my flowers - quickly remedied the issues by switching back to the old feed charts.
  3. Jhef

    Flower PPM needs

    started feeding GH at 1/2 strength and plants are doing great - about 21days into the flip and everything looks like it would had I been feeding full strength. My question is Since I'm feeding 1/2strength my ppm is around 600-650, is that sufficient? Should I bump up to 850ppm. Usually I'm at...
  4. Jhef

    Eb gen 1

    I've built all 3 eb gens- gen 2 is my favorite. Had difficulty with the pushin connectors on gen 3. I don't know the math on how many strips you'll need to run on that driver but ill sit down and diagram it out later today if someone hasn't already done it for you by that time. Heatsinkusa -...
  5. Jhef

    Lead in hose fittings

    The Ecology Center at Ann Arbor, for instance, has been running tests on garden hoses for years. In one of its latest results, it discovered that 30% of hoses tested positive for lead at levels above the standard prescribed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission for children...
  6. Jhef

    Lead in hose fittings

    if a water hose is used in line of plumbing and the packaging doesn't say lead free - will that eff me?
  7. Jhef

    How to find the PPM of each of my individual macro and micro nutrients

    Be uncommon amongst the uncommon
  8. Jhef

    How to find the PPM of each of my individual macro and micro nutrients

    J232 good link - I've read that before, and a lot of Renfro posts- he is a great resource "What gets measured gets managed" My product is quality- my thought is why limit what you can know if you can learn more?
  9. Jhef

    How to find the PPM of each of my individual macro and micro nutrients This was helpful
  10. Jhef

    How to find the PPM of each of my individual macro and micro nutrients

    I found a website that helps with this - ill post it later. I'm on my phone and the page is book marked on my comp
  11. Jhef

    How to find the PPM of each of my individual macro and micro nutrients

    That will only tell you your total ppm. Not how much nitrogen ppm / how many P ppm / how many K ppm how many B ppm how many Cu ppm etc.
  12. Jhef

    How to find the PPM of each of my individual macro and micro nutrients

    How would i go about finding out my ppm of each different feed cycle im feeding?
  13. Jhef

    Plant count for 4x4 space

    how many should flower in a 4x4 space? I'm in 3 gal pots and I can fit 16 but afraid when I flip to flower 16 would be too dense and 9 would be a more manageable canopy while being full. Do you think I will sacrifice over all yields if I do 9 instead of 16? Lots of topping and bending being done.
  14. Jhef

    H2O2 wash/Fresh water wash

    Do you PH the water?
  15. Jhef

    H2O2 wash/Fresh water wash

    What ratio of water to h202 and what percent type of h202 was used