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  • yeah i havnt had time to do anything when i get home today weell talk about em alright bro. have a good day. il;l be back on at 6
    o iight then i think i'll go with the white widow then...

    by any chance you have thos lights your giving away still
    auto flowers are cool if you have time and space restraints. if your going for tall skinny plants go sativa. if you want short bushy plants go indica. im growing both right now and the sativas are 2 times as tall. 2 feet in 3 weeks.
    white widow is a good strain because it only take 50 days to finish. there are short timing flowerers out there just 12 12 em at 3 weeks youll have 3 foot plants at the end.
    hey i got a question you think for my mom and brother auto flower desiel is good or any kind of auto flower strains... i'm studying alot on this
    hey i wanted to no if you still had them free lights you want to give away

    i could really use it my mom suffers and brother suffer from aids and my younger bro only eats when he is high... med and shit is too much on top of buyin bud for them so could you help me out if you still got them

    IM me at

    or email me please
    im going to try to post some new pix of my white rhino the big leaves looks like is going up i dont know why or is normal............
    thas sucks the you got one male keep the polen put on one bud polen get the seed and maybe you invent new strain......
    hey bro.nices girls you got i whish i had a least one strain the you got.. you get seed from a bank or clones...
    hey bro sorry. the message you sent to me i think was meant for someone else. i don'tlive with my parents. peace bro.
    life is great. i walked into my mothers house to pick my 18 month old son up after work. and he ran around the corner and yelled DADDY . im psyched. its the first time hes said something, and it was obvious he was saying it.
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