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  • I've done something similar and it lasts for about 2 months, then it soaks your carpet. I would use pond liner. A hydroponics shop is the only place you can find a 3x3 tray, anywhere else and you are just incriminating yourself. You can ask your local hydro shop to order one for you to avoid shipping costs.
    Hey tell me what you think of this idea.... Im making a table thats 2ft off the ground to put my buckets and drainage in. Since I can't find a single flood tray in this town that is 3x3, (I tried every nursery, home depot, lowes, and then resorted to AC drain pans.. but to no avail), I plan to make my own drainage out of the tarp I had planned on using for the light barrier. It will hold water, I checked. I plan to use 2x4's to make a ridge/enclosure on the outside of the table, use some sort of particle board for the surface of the table itself... and put the tarp over it, with a hole in the middle that would drain into a cooler-through the tarp and into a funnel i recently purchased.. That's my idea in a nutshell. It is cheap, and will probably work.
    I figured out that my 9 buckets can all fit into a 3x3ft grow tray.. so I think I'm back to the hempy bucket idea now.
    Dude.. Have you ever done a 12/12 from seedling? I'm looking around and seeing like.. amazing results. Maybe it only works well with sativa's, because of their lag-ass flower time but there are some good crops being done from 12/12..
    Ok cool. I recently had to wire all those booster fans that I bought for the scrub, and I'm kind of glad I did or else I'd be completely lost on that project box DIY
    Hey, on that krypto controller thread - where does he get the little green and white and black wires ? Is that what the lamp cord is for, you just cut it open and take out the little wires?
    True that. I'm so sad about Barea, he was the first plant to sprout, and did so beautifully. He was also the first to root. I left him in there and just redid everything with some store bought 5gal filtered, so maybe..just maybe he'll come back from the land of shadow. If I can use filtered for veg, and reg for flower, then that'll be great. They don't drink as much in veg, obviously, as they do in flower so I should only have to go through like 20 gal total of filtered a month. Thats like.. $25.. The only bitch about it is I'm on the 3rd floor, but hey, I'll get some good exercise.
    _ I think I am going to convert my entire closet into a flower room... but haven't started moving anything yet. I wanna think it through good.
    Do you think I'll be ok feeding them the tap in flower? They should be big enough by then to handle it don't you think?
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