Recent content by kallomar

  1. K

    First time way up north outside???Need help with time?

    im still a newbee, and this is only my 2end grow, but im pretty sure that your plants will finish if you have them in a greenhouse and the temp wont drop bellow freezing :) my seeds got put in the soil in late april, flowering started mid july and i all ready harvested one, try to look up some...
  2. K

    First time way up north outside???Need help with time?

    you could invest in some danish seeds for your next grow, most outdoor strains we have are semi autoflowering, so they can finish in our colder climate :) mine started budding in mid july, and looks about ready in a few weeks( almost 14 hours daylight here still) :)
  3. K

    Honey VS molasses

    well im using honey on the plant in the pictures( not boiled honey) and im getting really good results even if it is a hermie:) but im gonna boil it from now on as the anti septic effect sounds plauseble ( i know it works on wounds) , might even throw a organic beer down there as well just to...
  4. K

    Honey VS molasses

    hey guys i have been experimenting with some plants on my balcony(all turned hermie on me cuz of light from indside my house) but the buds are turning out allright and not many are poliunated( im picking my balls ) i live in denmark and im finding it hard to get molasses, so i just gave them...
  5. K

    day 18 flowering 250w cfl

    i think it depends on the strain, but not 100% on this , on my outdoor grow they came after about 4 weeks( too bad they all turned hermie on me)
  6. K

    day 18 flowering 250w cfl

    i cant see any trics on your pics , my plant only started to smell when they came on my leaves, you can try to toutch it lightly on a bud and see if you dont get any smell/ sticky fingers :)
  7. K


    im pretty sure it wont self poliunate if none of the "balls" pop open, i have 3 hermies and picking all the balls can be a bitch, i would go with rons plan and take it aside, cus the balls can hide in the buds and be hard to find/pick, by the looks of mine i will still get some nice bud to smoke...
  8. K

    Sun & Fun in FL

    i have my plants on my balcony in (not so sunny denmark) and all of them have turned hermi on me, pretty sure its from the indoors ligts beeing on at night time ( and me beeing to lazy to turn down the shutters) just a little heads up so you could avoid it :)
  9. K

    hwo to make your own 100% female seeds

    well this might not prove anything, but i have 3 plants on my balcony and i never close the shutter on the window close to the plants, so all 3 of them have been getting some light from indside the house when its dark outside, and all my plants are hermies, hope this helps out :mrgreen: edit: i...
  10. K

    cutting balls off!!!!

    i have 3 hermies growin on my balcony and been trying to cut all the balls off, but it looks like a loosing battle:-? they just seem to grwo back even faster, so now im just letting it do it's own thing and get some seeds
  11. K

    my white russians goes insane

    its semi legal in Freetown Christiania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia just dont smoke it in front of the police , nice place to visit in the summertime
  12. K

    my white russians goes insane

    hey mate , im also growing outdoor in denmark, 3 of my plants are already flowering 1 is not , so there is still hope, i checked the kalendar and 12/12 will hit denmark sometime mid september...
  13. K


    i've allready been doing some ball pulling :mrgreen: and i dont think they started to pop open yet, so maybe i can still get lucky and get semi sensimillia. i guess the hemi thing i my own fault , i have been playing with the plants from almost day one ( supercropping each internode, topping and...
  14. K


    hey guys i have been trying to sex my plants (got 3 int the same bucket) for awhile now, and most of them started out looking male, but 2 days ago all of them started getting female hairs, so my question is are they all hermies? putting up pics of all 3 plants edit : you cant see the hairs on...
  15. K

    sex them up

    hey guys i need help sexing these 3 plants, im almost sure they are male :? just want a second oppinion , cheers