Recent content by kidimanjaro

  1. kidimanjaro

    Nutrient burn or deficiency?

    Great information, thanks myke
  2. kidimanjaro

    Nutrient burn or deficiency?

    Thanks so much for the replies. I'm already looking for a more balanced fertilizer to use, right now I'll be using some worm castings. I'll be watering every 3-4 days and see how she goes. Here at home i have 2 fertilizer, both claim to be "organic". One is 3-2-3 and the other is a 0-15-8, can...
  3. kidimanjaro

    Nutrient burn or deficiency?

    Do you guys think this a potassium toxicity? From now what do I do? Just add water every 2 days?
  4. kidimanjaro

    Nutrient burn or deficiency?

    Hello, this is my first post here, and I'm looking for help. Right now I'm on week 4 of flowering, this is a blackberry. From what I searched online this plant might have a nutrient burn or a deficiency. I'm using organic soil that i bought and I'm feeding them once a week with a product that...
  5. kidimanjaro

    Buying seeds online from a country where it is rarely done and fully illegal

    hello, I spent some time looking for seedbanks and all my orders fell into customs hands. Can someone tell me some seedbank that I can have a good contact with the sender, because I need it to be sent in a good stealth package. I'm from Brazi