Buying seeds online from a country where it is rarely done and fully illegal

Holy Smokes, thats like my state 2.5+ years ago. Possession of Hash or any concentrate was a life sentence. A roach in the ash tray or a seed in the floorboard of your car and you went straight to jail and fines out the ass. A second or third offense may have gotten you prison time. But that is what happens when you have private prisons for profit that make their money off housing drug-related crimes while the State ran prisons concentrate on violent offenders. While the private prisons are screaming because of money loss with overturned marijuana convictions and loss of new convictions the state is laughing all the way to the bank riding high on its newest cash crop. It brought in more money in the first year than the Lottery and Casinos have done in the last 10 years combined.

I never thought I'd live to see the law change here to Medical 2.5 years ago but it did and now it's on the verge of becoming recreational. Eventually, it may there also.

Even with some of the worse laws in the country it never stopped any of us from getting high. All it's gonna take is a greedy politician or one with a great vision that can see what the taxation of Marijuana will bring. With a population of 1.3 million and tourism visitors 1.4 million per yer that adds to the massive potential for such a small nation. Not to mention thousands of employment opportunities. But the real money would in a recreational law. Tourist consume cannabis, tourist consume food, tourist consume more cannabis, tourist consumes more food... :)

Be patient and good luck with your inport ideas until then be careful and be safe!
Holy Smokes, thats like my state 2.5+ years ago. Possession of Hash or any concentrate was a life sentence. A roach in the ash tray or a seed in the floorboard of your car and you went straight to jail and fines out the ass. A second or third offense may have gotten you prison time. But that is what happens when you have private prisons for profit that make their money off housing drug-related crimes while the State ran prisons concentrate on violent offenders. While the private prisons are screaming because of money loss with overturned marijuana convictions and loss of new convictions the state is laughing all the way to the bank riding high on its newest cash crop. It brought in more money in the first year than the Lottery and Casinos have done in the last 10 years combined.

I never thought I'd live to see the law change here to Medical 2.5 years ago but it did and now it's on the verge of becoming recreational. Eventually, it may there also.

Even with some of the worse laws in the country it never stopped any of us from getting high. All it's gonna take is a greedy politician or one with a great vision that can see what the taxation of Marijuana will bring. With a population of 1.3 million and tourism visitors 1.4 million per yer that adds to the massive potential for such a small nation. Not to mention thousands of employment opportunities. But the real money would in a recreational law. Tourist consume cannabis, tourist consume food, tourist consume more cannabis, tourist consumes more food... :)

Be patient and good luck with your inport ideas until then be careful and be safe!
A life sentence for concentrates? Wtf?
Did it work?
Hey rmax,
yeah i did received my order! :) I got myself 5seeds of Auto Purple Kush- from Dutchseedshop. I sow 3seeds and all germinated within 2days!! Custom did open my package tho, but they didn’t see it, thank god for the stealthy packaging method!!!
Now i am waiting patiently for the budss!
Did it work?
I am using a 100watt Led grow light bulb and i will be adding 80 watt soon. i know the yield will be quite low ( i think), but atleast something better than shitty weed haha and i don’t have to buy weed for a while. I DIY my own grow tent. I will be posting up the results of the growth in like 7weeks -8 weeks.
I've been planting seeds outside.

I scattered about 25/50 down by the swamp. Another 25 or so in this grassy meadow where I scratched the ground and planted seeds. But it could be a deer mating spot, hopeful. And another 25 or so down in the high tension wire corridor. There I flipped a bunch of rocks and planted in the nice spoil.

Bwahahaha! I've still got more to go.
I've been planting seeds outside.

I scattered about 25/50 down by the swamp. Another 25 or so in this grassy meadow where I scratched the ground and planted seeds. But it could be a deer mating spot, hopeful. And another 25 or so down in the high tension wire corridor. There I flipped a bunch of rocks and planted in the nice spoil.

Bwahahaha! I've still got more to go.

Auto Purple Kush from Dutchseedshop - week 10. Under led light 65truewatt from wall. How many weeks left?
hello, I spent some time looking for seedbanks and all my orders fell into customs hands.
Can someone tell me some seedbank that I can have a good contact with the sender, because I need it to be sent in a good stealth package.
I'm from Brazi