Recent content by loudpac

  1. loudpac

    Best LED's for 2013

    magnum 360 led lights are awesome. never had a problem and always have had great results with them.
  2. loudpac

    Please help! Flushing dwc. How do you do it?

    Using a 5gal bucket for dwc, It helps to have an extra bucket to put the plant along with the lid on and drain the water/flush through the medium and roots. First pour the mixture of w/e flush you have and h2o through the plant, ( about 1.5 gallon per plant), and then follow up with a .5-1...
  3. loudpac

    OMG BEEF'S AT IT AGAIN! AREA 51 AF240 ** BCBD 'The Purps'** SCROG!

    And to think, i remember when you couldn't find a forumn on LED for anything and then the first day LED started a forumn on RIU, has taken off crazy. NEways, a few more weeks? phew, it's gonna get really crowded in there, you may lose quantity because of penetration with led... You got it down...
  4. loudpac

    DWC water chiller

    what system (chiller & pump) are you running for your res? I did some research; your constantly pumping cold water through the wort to keep 1 res cool? if i misunderstood please inform me.
  5. loudpac

    400w DWC in a grow tent. AK-48, Auto Purple, Bagseed, and Humboldt

    It's going to get really crowded in there man... good job though, learning as your growing.
  6. loudpac

    Brown roots over night....please help !!!!!!

    micro brew is the s#@%. Use that in conjunction with root drench and then you'll really see your roots have a mind of their own.
  7. loudpac

    DWC water chiller

    Just my 2cents. I too had the same predicament when it came to water temps. I was on the verge of getting a chiller, when i came to the conclusion that one bucket just isn't enough to spend $500 to cool water without at least trying other venues. FIRST, Try moving the air pump outside of the...
  8. loudpac

    Will LST/HST/an Auto Improve the Yield

    from my exp; LST and get great results.. about an oz from a plant in a pc case.
  9. loudpac

    Pot Size or Plant Count?

    nice... alwasy been a fan of chronic, good to know they were wable to bring the chronic taste/smoke through the ryder..
  10. loudpac

    LED Manufacturers - Latest Press Releases / Innovations

    exactly... you get what you pay for.
  11. loudpac

    210W LED Big Bang 2 Grow

  12. loudpac

    Some NL Bud pics!

    Look's like you've been had things dialed in pretty well, from the pix. As for stress; if you're asking about stressing her enough to herm; the most I do is 20/4 to allow a rest period, so cant speak from personal exp on the 24hr, but you should be ok... I was in a simialr situation and had no...
  13. loudpac

    Auto Flowering Reviews

    I did an AKR from W.O.S grow a little while back, good genetics IMO; excellent smoke but with my experience she's wasn't on the shorter end of the harvest period time frame so expect a 75+ day harvest.
  14. loudpac

    Dapio's SCROG round 1!

    ok dap, i see you. Looks like you're going to enjoy yourself this holiday season.... glad to see the cocoa worked out well.