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  • Well...no-one really knows anyone on here. I was poking around on your profile and hitting buttons. But anyway, I like the way you think and talk.
    I am looking for a DG. I live in BC. would you be able to help? my lic is 14 day or 69 plants
    can you please email me at behindblueeyes69@live.com so we can get a more private of a chat please? =) thank you
    hello, i am looking for any strain that works for medical use and allows me to function through the day. i am okay with any way to for my stuff to be grown as long as it isnt chemical pesticides really. would you beable to send me a DG forum? i will give you my address. sorry for the late response i have been sick recently
    I am in Stratford...near Kitchener, but distance isn't a problem as everything would be mailed. I can get a DG form, fill it out and send it to you so that you can designate me as your grower.
    I have a large area to grow in, so moulds are never a problem with me, I grow in pots with a real earth mixture and I only use natural ferts. Is there any specific strain you are partial to ?
    hey think you could help me out? i live in northern ontario (north bay) and i am in desperate need of a medical grower
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