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  • As laserbrn said, a few extra days of darkness is better than an irregular light schedule (which would be the other option if you left them outside on the balcony) and the plants will just think it's a cloudy few days. That certainly happens in nature so I think you'll be good.

    Be careful with auto-watering...they won't need much while in the dark.

    Another alternative could be having a friend come by and take them out and put them back in for you...but I would probably just leave them in the closet. They'll be fine, no worries.
    They should survive it just fine. It's the same as a huge storm blowin' through. Keep them in complete darkness for the 5 days.

    Things to remember...you won't be there to monitor how they are doing on nutes, so for those 5 days less is more.

    On watering: There won't be any heat evaporating the water so make sure your watering system is not going to overwater your plants.

    All else should be just fine. You'll miss out on the energy the light would've brought, but without any other choice this is the right way to go.

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