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  • I do not know anythign about them x) id look them up on something and see if they have any reviews !
    Nice nice :) and sure is Mars. ;) just make sure you take good care and you'll be good gotta switch to 12/12 indoors though to flower..if you had a feminized autoflowering it could stay on 24/0 light cycle with no dark and flower automatically by itself and finish completely from germination to smokeable bud in 2 months all you have to do is dry and cure then your set. a non feminized auto would do the same but youd get chances of males like regular seeds just you dont need to worry about switching to 12/12 ....any more help needed ill be glad just write my wall or send a message , good luck ! Laywhoish.
    yeah most likely . i wouldn't use nute to transplant id just transplant and water lightly if need and let it take its course, and stress can greatly promote males or hermies...but that doesnt mean they couldnt have been all males before the stress, so its just a wait and see game say you wanted 3 females your best bet is to plant 6 or 8 seeds and youll probably get a few females its 50/50 chance so you want to plant more to increase your luck. id highly suggest feminized seeds or an auto-flowering feminized. unless you dont mind waiting or want to breed, then regular seeds are fine. and you really dont need to use anything on your plants till they are a good ways into vegetative stage even then you dont even really need nutes.
    Well, first off they were all nice green nd health lookin right before i transplanted them. Nd when i did i have a nutrient set for all the stages of growth and theres one for the transplanting stage that supposedly helps roots grow and the plant adjust i gave them that and a few days later they started to kinda curl at the tips and turn brown, is it nute burn or something else?? Aso theres a foliar spray i have but ima little hesitant ta use it now... aaaaaaand i was wonderin what my chances of getting a female are with 3 plants now that they have had this stress ??
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