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  • ..............just every couple of weeks spray with that neem oil so they dont re-infest!
    you will never totally get rid of um , but they dont hurt anything if theres only a few! Oh yea if they are already in flower then DONT use the neem , just use the bombs every 4 days as needed. hope that helps!
    "Hi there i was wondering if you could Please tell me exatly how you got rid of your mites.
    Thanks J"
    i still aint got rid of ALL of um but i got it under control now. If they are real bad then start with a bug bomb (i use Hot Shots blue can from lowes) its just like Raid but i never used raid i dont recommend...... SEAL off your room and if its bigger than 10' x 10' then just let the fogger go , and sit it down right in there with um .......seal it off (no fans or nothin) and walk away for 3 or 4 hours.......come back and open everything up and fire all the fans back up and repeat all that in about 4 days . now if u still see the lil fucks crawlin around go get some neem oil (lowes or nursery) and mix it with water just like directions say, now put it in a good spray bottle and tilt the plants sideways so u can spray the UNDERSIDES of the leaves then spray the top of the leaves and u should be good from there ...........................
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