Recent content by MoroccanRoll

  1. MoroccanRoll

    First time grower day 16 should they be bigger?

    They look fine. If the soil's hot, they'll grow a little dark but will handle it. Don't overthink it and don't mess with them. The more you muck about, the more problems you'll have. You'll know if something goes wrong down the line and soil is forgiving, you'll have plenty of time to react. On...
  2. MoroccanRoll

    Wife keeps a cup labeled "fertilizer" in the bathroom. She likes to water my tomatoes with it...

    Wife keeps a cup labeled "fertilizer" in the bathroom. She likes to water my tomatoes with it. Can't argue with 100 lbs of tomatoes. Sure is cheaper than batshit!
  3. MoroccanRoll


    About a pound...
  4. MoroccanRoll


    I'd say, "patience grashopper". Another couple of days and you'll know for sure.
  5. MoroccanRoll


    Guess i'm gonna have to ask my wife....
  6. MoroccanRoll


    Damn, @kkt3 . Came here to say exactly this.
  7. MoroccanRoll

    Breaking adictions with mushrooms

    @shredder4 I'm late to this party. Been a while since I've posted here. Yes. A little more than a year ago, I grew my first shrooms. I basically stopped drinking and smoking weed after my first trip. Pretty much rewired that part of my brain. My original post about it HERE. It wasn't...
  8. MoroccanRoll

    Women in Music

    @PadawanWarrior Inappropriateness at it's best.
  9. MoroccanRoll

    All that Jazz

    The definition of melancholy.
  10. MoroccanRoll

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    don't nee no need to dunk your cakes. getting your substrate to field capacity is the next critical part of the process. check philly golden teacher on youtube. follow his bucket tek. if your substrate comes out too wet, just squeeze it out - a handful at a time. people like to use a garbage...
  11. MoroccanRoll

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    Clear vs white lid will have little effect. Do your best to resist the temptation to open them before they're fully colonized. The only reason you would need to dub tub is if they grow taller than the tub and by that point, you'll be wanting some air exchange anyway. Same as growing weed...
  12. MoroccanRoll

    Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

    If i'm reading you right, you've got six half pints which equals 3 pints or a quart and a half. People use different ratios of spawn to substrate when spawning to bulk. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and even 1:4 will work. Higher ratios of spawn will likely colonize faster, will be more nutrient dense and...
  13. MoroccanRoll

    Wicking q's??

    This is half smartass answer and half practical answer.... Use whatever is your regular soil mix. Set it up and check it after 2 days. You'll have your answer. Answers beat opinions every time.
  14. MoroccanRoll

    One looks ready

    @althor Incredibly easy! Keep it clean and it's easier than growing weed.
  15. MoroccanRoll

    One looks ready

    Okay, i've gotta ask... Why are people still messing around with cakes? Why not just spawn to bulk? nothing could be easier.