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  • Hey Mossy, newer on the board. Read your post about wanting to protect your pictures. One way to prove they are yours is to use Steganography, and before you ask no not court reporting. it embeds information into images, that can be password protected and unloced with your password to prove ownership. It's free and called S-Tools.
    There are others such as
    But you can experiment and see if it fits your needs.

    i sent BH some grafix, i made you a personalized one, he'll be sending it to you.(it takes too long to upload here on RIU.

    have a safe new years'
    Hey mossy nice to see you back online. I havent been on as much as not really too much goin on over here. I think i need to start posting so i can send PMs. Keep her green over there m8
    sheeshh! i had this problem before,i'll check with admin and hopefully get it settled.

    my email add is drop me a line sometime...i'm interested at something BH pm'd me at the other "place".


    I'm on FD's's getting long.
    nope...i'm trying to pm you...can' me so i'll see if i can receive. thanks
    Finally found the Purple Wizard...WHEE!!!
    Actually BH found me and told me you were here.hehe...
    So Mossy what's up?


    zen (the court jester)
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