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  • hey man hows you?
    tried PM'n you but your box is full could you shoot me an email at plantsforyou@hushmail.com,need too chat asap
    i need somene to talk to about this please...u seeem helpful u3 how do i delete that message i have no time to cus im at work
    i need somene to talk to about this please...u seeem helpful u3 how do i delete that message i have no time to cus im at work
    Oh trust me, i have seen pretty much every special on every drug there is, I spend hours researching drugs before I try them, so I can be sure to do them right and not mix with the wrong things ect. From the general experience I have read about LSD my LSA trip pretty much covered almost everything exactly, but again I took a pretty large dose so a normal LSA trip would not be as strong as LSD, pretty much the only difference I noted was that LSA has a more pronounced body "load" and is more of a mind fuck, which truly is excatly what it did, it fucked my mind through every hole possible, i will probably never try LSD because of it. I am a fan of mushrooms though, never had a bad trip on those, but I try to keep my doses under my own control, never going over half eigth of liberty caps.
    ahhh seems to me like we have similar taste, I hate the binge drugs like meth and heroin, Weed also makes me lethargic. Cocaine was alright, nothin special like you said. MDMA is my all time favorite pleasure, I keep it to a minimum though, maybe 4 times per year, if that. LSD is a no go for me, as I had an INSANELY bad trip on LSA which is slightly weaker than LSD, but for god sake it is not to be underestimated. It took me weeks to recover from the 3 hour peak of PURE HELL. I ate 12 HBWR seeds when a normal dose is 6-8 seeds. The come up and come down were pretty cool, but the peak threw me into a swirling world of pure terror and confusion, which would phase in and out, leaving me nearly sober for a few minutes then hurling me back into the depths of hell, it was just a tease of reality before everything melted away again leaving me unable to comprehend the forces acting upon me. Sounds were miles away, faces on televison were melting and sagging, ect.
    Weed and Alcohol are my trademarks, but I have been known to treat myself to a little somethin special every now and then. I have tried pretty much everything except crack and heroin, just ask and Ill tell you if ive had experience
    Dude, soon the Clamdiggerz n sandals will awaken from their hibernating slumbers :D
    Life is going exactly as it was intended.. There's a purpose to my beleaguered path ;) Not sure if I missed it, but I never got a chance to learn of your five day ordeal you spoke of.. I hope everything Good, Bro.
    Zupz my Cali Homey! Winter has started to loosen its grasp up here in The White North. Pleasantly mild surprisingly.
    Our skullz will clash, crash with glee soon enough, My Bruther.
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