Recent content by Octoliba

  1. O

    Let's see your auto grows!

    The 3 at the top are greencrack from seedsman Middle 3 are pineapple chunk Lower 3 are ww.
  2. O

    Let's see your auto grows!

    Here’s just an updated picture! Seem to be doing well, i figure I’m 3-4 weeks in so I’ll start feeding them with some megacrop probably tomorrow or the next day
  3. O

    Some brown spots

    I have run one in the past but the one I have is so small it makes little to no difference. Though I haven’t tried running it right in the tent, maybe I’ll try that. This is a humidifier I’m talking about. I do have a really nice dehumidifier for the summer months when the humidity is way high.
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    Some brown spots

    Hey guys! This is a 3rd or 4th grow for me. I’ve had little spots like this before but never really had much concern for it. Just wondering what it is, is the plant telling me I’m doing something wrong? Indoor grow, fox farm ocean forest soil. Ph’ing water down to around 6. These are maybe...
  5. O

    Let's see your auto grows!

    Not much to look at (yet). 3 green crack autos from Seedsman 3 pineapple chunk autos from a private seller And 3 white widow autos from a private seller fox farms ocean forest in 5 g pals. will try and keep y’all updated as this grow progresses
  6. O

    Bizarre Plant - Any info would be helpful

    Relative newbie here- just thought I’d comment I’m surprised folks are having a hard time with the autos. I’m thinking something someone above said is some of the problem, people may be over thinking it. I’ve done nothing special what so ever and have had really superb results, atleast in my...
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    Fertilizing Your Seedlings

    Hey! I usually get it as close to 6 as I can but haven’t tried any other PH levels. If i get it to 6.3 to like 5.9 i just send it. Im using fox farm ocean forest it is a soil yes. In 5 gallon pots. For my outdoor i barely fertilize i just use a basic tomato fertilizer from lowes in small...
  8. O

    Fertilizing Your Seedlings

    I’m very much a newbie too but I’ve got 3 very successful grows under my belt 2 indoor 1 outdoor and I’ve basically utilized the “keep it simple stupid “ method. After popping the seeds in a wet paper towel I start the seed and taproot right in the pot I’m growing in, (autos), use fox farm...
  9. O

    Just a little update.

    I’ve been worried about that too! i can move the lights up some. Saw another post people recommending bending the main stem some would that work ?
  10. O

    Just a little update.

    Thank you !!
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    Just a little update.

    First indoor grow. started with 8 plants 6 LSD autos and 2 unknown seeds but was 85% they were autos. of the 8 2 were identified as males. 1 of the unknowns and 1 of the LSD. 1 of the LSD I think may have been herm, I took the male parts off and no more have emerged, it’s the biggest plant...
  12. O

    Another lame sex my plant post - take 2.

    So 69B6, 44AB, and B673 are the same plant. So that means Herme then? 3D8E is a different plant. So I should get rid of those plants then for sure?
  13. O

    Another lame sex my plant post - take 2.

    And here is the other plant with the 1 small ball that I’m seeing
  14. O

    Another lame sex my plant post - take 2.

    New pics as requested . This post has the questionable herm? I’ve attached a picture of the hairs I think I’m seeing and the 2 balls I’m seeing.
  15. O

    Another lame sex my plant post - take 2.

    Thank you for your reply!! Appreciate it