Recent content by PurpleBudzMan

  1. PurpleBudzMan

    48 hours of dark before 12-12

    I do have 2 flourescent uv lights I've added periodically to help stimulate trichome development, in all honesty they are white as can be....
  2. PurpleBudzMan

    48 hours of dark before 12-12

    Plant has been in flower for 8 weeks, was getting ready to harvest, they've been in dark last 48hrs I guess....was just curious about flipping lights back on after this dark cycle, holding off on chop a few more days....see what it does after the dark cycle and hormones built up.... I mean...
  3. PurpleBudzMan

    48 hours of dark before 12-12

    Power outages would make sense for this happening but probably during the episode no one thought to apply it to the concept I am or recorded it.... Just makes sense to think that if dark hours increase trichome production and builds hormones to be used during light cycle; if it is never given...
  4. PurpleBudzMan

    48 hours of dark before 12-12

    They are about 5ft.....I chopped one last week, VERY smooth, Very clear head high, very nothing I can buy from my plug or the dispensary. No BS ....Tropic Thunder seeds. Pheno....they came from a bag I purchased from my plug and was warned of seeds but I wanted them. The 1...
  5. PurpleBudzMan

    15 minute dark cycle interruption

    15mins is not going to hurt you at all. I actually a few times played with my timer; increasing dark hours little by little until reached 14dark and then worked way back too 12/12....had an explosive impact. My idea I'm having... I'm curious about now is flipping plants back too 12/12 After a...
  6. PurpleBudzMan

    48 hours of dark before 12-12

    So I have this CraZY question and looking for input..... What about; flipping Back too 12/12 After 48hrs dark NEAR end of flowering cycle? Not Before harvest but say oh 2-3weeks before harvest? Then ofcourse again at Harvest... The reason I ask this is because, well....after having them in...
  7. PurpleBudzMan

    Leaves drooping and tips yellowing

    Well...that's probably why you was having issues to start, paying attention to the plants is key and probably the most solid advice you needed all along. I am sure glad they ended up nice even with the issues, gives me hope lol