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  • i miss spelled marijuana and it was brought to my attention by a guy in cannibus growers so it might not go without changing spelling on address i sent you before . i put an a where it should have been an i
    it's all good.

    everyonedoesit.com has my dinafems on back order... which is sweet!!
    i am trying to get them to change my order asap.
    their customer service stinks.
    let's pray.

    fuck fruitMcNutsack.

    i am over the "grow off", what do i need to prove to a kook?

    it's all good & hopefully i can straighten out the bean issue.

    good lookin. stay fly.
    would like to compare the 2 one day . i might have to buy some bubblisious after you get yours up and tell me how it is
    why do you think they banned him? ridiculousity? ignorance? shear moronic & montainous stupidity?

    i mean anybody that hates perfect, beautiful, dense nugs & argues against an entire community who is in favor of said nugs is a total douche-bag, but people do have and are entitled to opinions.

    i did get a messge from a newbie, "bandmember", saying he was fruitsack but i can PM this person because they have stranger status. what to do?

    man, dinafem seeds were so NOT on my list of things to buy. i should have never even opened that damn thread...hahaha. good thing i got a variety pack.

    you & i both know karma's gonna grow some dense nugs off that blue hash. i will rock it & smoke it like anything else... no shame in my game... the blue widow in my pack looks fucking sick. was gonna try and change my order but i will still rock the beans & do the journal... that fool has no life, he'll find it.

    maybe i should ask a mod what happened & let them know we had a grow off.

    check out the group messages i paid for a petition online we need 44,000 to get it on a ballet
    im not giveing up on the bill i have wrote all my reps and told them i wanted them to change the bill to legalize marajuana period and am going to start campaining to get rid of the ones that dont vote to legalize it also am trying to get it put on a ballet so everyone can vote for it the true demorcratic way.
    I'm about through but I wish it was a little more ninja. I've been trying to post pictures but i'm having problems. I can get it uploaded but I can't drag it into the attachment box. I guess it's because I'm using a blackberry and an iPad. (courtesy of a generous neighbors unlocked wi fi.) I can change my avatar however so there are my little "afghanni" seedlings cute huh? I will find alternative means of posting pics
    i been trimming big leaves on my 3 sativas and lettng them dry out then smoking them. Let me just say 2 bowls and your good for couple hours! i have an indica only about 8" tall and starting to bud. Maybe get a qtr oz out of it soon cant wait. my sativas just started to stop growing now calyx startng to swell up! im at week 20 from start and 11 from flower! takng forever. next tme only doing 1 or 2 plants. 4or 5 to many for my closet!
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