Recent content by RexA

  1. RexA

    help..Leaves dying during flowering

    no earlier symptoms on these plants, the leaves were sieing from the bottom/inside up, but i knew that was normal. not sure the strain its bag seed. can't take pictures cause i don't haev a camera anymore. the plants are between 5-6 weeks flowering
  2. RexA

    help..Leaves dying during flowering

    well it has only just started i'm sure, but the leaves are ilke drying up, they aren';t changing color or anything.
  3. RexA

    help..Leaves dying during flowering

    so the leave son my plants are starting to die from the top down. about half of the pistols on each bud site are amber/redish....why is this happening.
  4. RexA

    Need seedling help

    do you have fan that takes the :bad" air out?
  5. RexA

    Cannibis Clones

    yay! congrats on the roots!
  6. RexA

    Watering plants with juicy drops???

    i ahven't done it, i was just wondering if anyone has tried it and actually proved that it didn't work.
  7. RexA

    Watering plants with juicy drops???

    still wondering if anyone has actually tried this.
  8. RexA

    Need seedling help

    ok i jsut re-read your statement, i gotchya now, yeah ignore what i said haha. ok what is the spectrum on the bulbs? lights with a spectrum closer to either end(red or blue) will grow the plant faster, so your bulbs just might not be close enough in spectrums, ideally 6500k for blue and 2400? or...
  9. RexA

    Need seedling help

    i'm with them, your lights are too far, and your probably over/under watering, next i'm going to correct probably don't ahev 6500 lumes you have a 6500 blue spectrum rating, which is good but i jsut wanted to let you know. the lumens are completely different and a single 6500k spectrum...
  10. RexA

    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    well my sticky traps haven't caught anyhting but one i guess the insecticidal soap is working :) still waitin on a paycheck to buy more soil so i can transplant my lilttle ones :), well they're not so little anymore, they grow us so fast!! lol
  11. RexA

    Cannibis Clones

    glad your stems are gettin there!! the leaves are my clones are a bit sticky when they're wet too, not sure why but my plants are growin good :) so it musn't be a bad thing.
  12. RexA

    Unsual or abnormal

    not sure what is causing it, but i would just make them a stake and tie them up, just to help them along. make sure not to tie it too tight. try it adn see what happens, it could just be that they are too weak to hold themselves up. give it a try adn go from tehre.
  13. RexA

    First CFL Grow (PICS)

    quick our set of clones we had made from our indica plant, we're turning yellow same as the whole plant did before. we had them put in peat pucks, and decorative moss around them...well i'm not going to use that moss anymore, i found a little white worm attached to the stem of one...
  14. RexA


    i used peat pucks for a set of clones i took, this is the second set i have tken, and i noticed they were taking alot longer to root. the tops of my soil dry out very very quickly so i bought a dried moss from a craft store as a "ground cover" for my plant pots. upon further inspection of my...
  15. RexA

    Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w

    looking better and better each post man! i'm excited for you! +rep!