Need seedling help


Active Member
Ok to get straight to the point i have 3 seedlings under 2 150 watt cfls and 1 100 watt cfl together that's over 6500 lumens. I've used flower and veg safe insect killer to prevent damage to my plants. They been growing for about a week and a half on 18/6 but suddenly they seem like they have stopped growing. I've heard people say switch to a hps bulb or mh but im a grower on a budget. What can i do to continue growth? or What am i doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
correct me if i'm wrong but you actually have 100/150 watt "equivalent" CFLS. a 150 watt cfl is huge and generally mogal based. but anyway you can certainly grow weed with CFLs. if you're seeing your plants stop growing i'd guess it is not your lights, based on the picture you sent. are they too dry? are you feeding them already? are you using tap water?


Well-Known Member
Your lights are to far away, see how its stretching towards the light real bad? i assume you are talking about the cfls incandesent equivelent wattage, which is completely useless when discussing cfls lighting. Refer to the actual watts from now on, it will save both you and anyone who you talk to about it from misunderstandings/headaches.


Well-Known Member
Move the plants alot closer to your light, your plants are stretching like hell bro, with CFL's you can keep them about 2-3" away from your plant without burning them.


Well-Known Member
i'm with them, your lights are too far, and your probably over/under watering, next i'm going to correct probably don't ahev 6500 lumes you have a 6500 blue spectrum rating, which is good but i jsut wanted to let you know. the lumens are completely different and a single 6500k spectrum rating is, no i'm assuming here around 2400 lumens each. unless in total you have 6500 lumens with all your lights, i dunno but thats what i think, lol sorry if i sound like a bitch, i'm not trying to be honest.


Well-Known Member
ok i jsut re-read your statement, i gotchya now, yeah ignore what i said haha. ok what is the spectrum on the bulbs? lights with a spectrum closer to either end(red or blue) will grow the plant faster, so your bulbs just might not be close enough in spectrums, ideally 6500k for blue and 2400? or 2100? i can't quite remember right now is ideal for red.


Well-Known Member
do you have a oscillating fan in there? how about an exhaust fan and a passive intake. Are you having insect problems? If not and you didnt use old soil thats been sitting around forever or just go dig some up out of your yard you shouldnt have to worry about bugs at this point.


Active Member
Its equivalent to 150. There not to dry i usually water them twice daily with distilled water. I've started feeding them about a couple days ago with Vigoro using the recommended amount to a gallon for seedlings. I think it maybe the light not being close enough. This grow room is just temporary im constructing a closet right now and just trying to get these off to a good start.


Well-Known Member
i think at this point i think it doesn't really matter what "K" your CFL lights are. you just need more of them!


Well-Known Member
your overwatering. Cannabis needs wet/dry cycles for the roots to develop properly, thats probally to blame just as much as the light too far away. Give a full watering and then wait till its dry before watering. if you compare the weight of your containers when they have just been watered to when they need to be watered(or take an empty container of the same size and fill it with soil and compare how that feels to the after watering weight of your pots) it will give you a pretty good idea on if it needs watering. The lift method is extremely easy after you get the hang of it.
Which vigoro fert? they make lots of different products. It's extremely early to start giving nutes.


I'm curious about why they're not growing because I'm about to plant my sprouts into soil for the first time so in case I run into this too.


Well-Known Member
dark is right. having an oscillating fan (in addition to your vent fan system) really helps. i have two oscillating fans in my tent on top of my 6" in line blower. i think the oscillating fans make your plants bushier and shorter and keep the bugs down. (at least that's my theory.)

Yes i have a fan connected to a venting tube that's connected at the top of the room feeding fresh air in.


what's a passive intake? Is that an intake that gets its suction from the exhaust fan on the other end of a room? Like it just intakes from the low pressure created by the exhaust? thanks.


Well-Known Member
the ocsilating fan isnt really optional, they need that air flow to get strong healthy stems and branches instead of puny weak ones(which means less ability to transport the things it needs around) that just fall over if you dont prop them up. I forgot to say that in my previous post.


Well-Known Member
what's a passive intake? Is that an intake that gets its suction from the exhaust fan on the other end of a room? Like it just intakes from the low pressure created by the exhaust? thanks.
yup, thats correct. If smell is a concern you will need to make or buy a carbon filter. How strong(the cfm-cubic feet per minute) is the fan you currently have?


Well-Known Member
yes! you have the right idea. my tent has a 6" in line fan on top and a 4" passive intake on bottom. this creates some sort of negative air flow that moves air from the bottom to the top in a really efficient way.

what's a passive intake? Is that an intake that gets its suction from the exhaust fan on the other end of a room? Like it just intakes from the low pressure created by the exhaust? thanks.