Recent content by Soulslinger

  1. S


    Check out its interesting
  2. S

    Curing issues

    Harbor from amazon
  3. S

    Curing issues

    So i read up on a thing to re introduce the right bacteria to the buds. I am experimenting with it. If it works. Ill post it to everyone. Hope it works. So far with in 24hrs. Everything has changed for the better. Better smoke an flavor. Cant believe this is working so quickly. Thank you...
  4. S

    Curing issues

    An thanks for the heads up
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    Curing issues

    Im going to do my search on best ones. Ill keep you posted. Please do the same if you beat me to it.
  6. S

    Curing issues

    Got it. Thank you for the input. Im in florida. So humidity is always high unless we get a so called cold front. But that mother fuckin meter threw me off. Wont happen next time
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    Curing issues

    Its deeper then yesterdays smoke
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    Curing issues

    The buds had no bounce back or stickiness. Brought them up to 65% some 70% and total difference. Flavor and smoke. Not completely there yet. Probably another week or 2. I get the flavor on the back end
  9. S

    Curing issues

    The 2 before were accurite. Pos
  10. S

    Curing issues

    I went with Habor. I needed small ones an i needed 13 of them. To be more detailed in all the jars. Please tell me what you recommend.
  11. S

    Curing issues

    Thank you for the input and your confidence
  12. S

    Curing issues

    They all smell excellent. Unbelievable smell. Your thoughts
  13. S

    Curing issues

    You were right it was off by 18% on the high end. Got 10 news ones an they all indicate the same. It was down to 50% even 48% in some. Rehydrated all of it to 65%
  14. S

    Curing issues

    No worries my man. We all smoke an miss things at times. Thank you for helping out
  15. S

    Curing issues

    The rh was down to 50% hope it didnt stop the curing process. Got it back to 64% to 70% in all jars. Does anyone thing it will help and that i continue curing. Or is it what it is