Curing issues

So ive been curing for 3 weeks. Inside my jars it indicates its at 65% humidity but the buds seem to be to dry. Their way to crispy. Can anyone help out. Thank you
Your hydrometer may be off if its in an air tight container and seems dry it shouldn't be at 65% humidity in there try a boveda humidity pack i would get the 58% 2 way but it depends on your preferences. Also try comparing your jar hygrometer to the one you use in your grow and see if there is a gap
Get a sheet or two of kitchen roll, wet it, ring it out and put it in with the buds to rehydrate them.
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Your hydrometer may be off if its in an air tight container and seems dry it shouldn't be at 65% humidity in there try a boveda humidity pack i would get the 58% 2 way but it depends on your preferences. Also try comparing your jar hygrometer to the one you use in your grow and see if there is a gap
Thank you my man. It ended up being my hydrometer was off by 18% on the high end. Got 13 new ones. An the old one was off. I have rehydrated them an have my fingers crossed.
Thank you everyone. You guys really helped me out. Fuckin hydrometer was off on the high end by 18%. It is exact outside but in the jars it was off. Dont know why.
The rh was down to 50% hope it didnt stop the curing process. Got it back to 64% to 70% in all jars. Does anyone thing it will help and that i continue curing. Or is it what it is
Your hydrometer may be off if its in an air tight container and seems dry it shouldn't be at 65% humidity in there try a boveda humidity pack i would get the 58% 2 way but it depends on your preferences. Also try comparing your jar hygrometer to the one you use in your grow and see if there is a gap
You were right it was off by 18% on the high end. Got 10 news ones an they all indicate the same. It was down to 50% even 48% in some. Rehydrated all of it to 65%
Once you reach 55% the cure is over.
But w your meters being off, maybe your ok to continue‍♂️.
Does it smell like hay/grass cuttings?
Just curious what hydrometers did you end up going with that were more accurate? seems a lot of the small ones are cheap junk that I've had experience with. But glad you got that figured out at least you're bud is smelling good That's the most important thing