I’ve been thinking about starting this thread for awhile. I recently read Teaming with Microbes and now I’m getting stuff ready for my no till grow. Not gonna be ready until next year. So this year I tilled in some horse shit and rock phosphate. I added mycorrhiza when I planted and brewed some...
I just read through this in worms eat my garbage here is what it said. Many people who vermicompost would like to transfer extra worms from their bins to their gardens to increase the worm population there, but I never recommend this for Eisenia fetida because they are not soil dwellers.
I never bottled my teas I’ve always just used it when it was done brewing. I assume bottling would cut off oxygen killing the aerobic bacteria(good guys) giving the anaerobic bacteria(bad guys) a chance to take over. You could try it bottle up a little check it in a few weeks. If it stinks like...
What’s a low dose of epsom salt per gallon of water. Don’t have Mg deficiency yet using RO water so I’m trying to figure out where I’m gonna get my Mg. This is for my indoor grow outdoors is not gonna be a problem.
What is a good organic source of magnesium. I was gonna use epsom salt but I was reading another thread that said epsom salt will kill my microbes. So what is a good source of magnesium that won’t kill my microbes for my indoor grow.
Also building my compost piles marijuana likes its nitrogen...
Fixable but not if u keep growing in that soil. Just because something says organic doesn’t mean it is. Scott’s is chemical grass fertilizer company. Organic and Scott’s don’t belong in same atmosphere let alone same sentence.You want organic in a bag fox farm ocean forest . Everything else u...