Organic questions

Stinky Herb

5683A1B8-4CE9-42FD-98D9-1446B19C3FF8.jpegWhat is a good organic source of magnesium. I was gonna use epsom salt but I was reading another thread that said epsom salt will kill my microbes. So what is a good source of magnesium that won’t kill my microbes for my indoor grow.

Also building my compost piles marijuana likes its nitrogen in nitrate form right. So I'm gonna want a bacteria dominant compost or do I want a 50/50 bacteria/fungi compost. At a 50/50 are the ammonium eating bacteria gonna be present to turn the ammonium into nitrate.

More questions to come i’m sure.
Pic of my grow.
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View attachment 4312707What is a good organic source of magnesium. I was gonna use epsome salt but I was reading another thread that said epsome salt will kill my microbes. So what is a good source of magnesium that won’t kill my microbes for my indoor grow.

Also building my compost piles marijuana likes its nitrogen in nitrate form right. So I'm gonna want a bacteria dominant compost or do I want a 50/50 bacteria/fungi compost. At a 50/50 are the ammonium eating bacteria gonna be present to turn the ammonium into nitrate.

More questions to come i’m sure.
Pic of my grow.

nice lookin plants. Kelp is a great source of Mg. and small doses of magnesium sulfate can be applied as a foliar and not as a drench (besides a small dose of epsom will not kill bennies). you want your soil to be balanced in fungi to bacteria (right from the horse's mouth: Dr. Elaine Ingham). So keep up with the fungal foods in your compost!
nice lookin plants. Kelp is a great source of Mg. and small doses of magnesium sulfate can be applied as a foliar and not as a drench (besides a small dose of epsom will not kill bennies). you want your soil to be balanced in fungi to bacteria (right from the horse's mouth: Dr. Elaine Ingham). So keep up with the fungal foods in your compost!
@ShLUbY thank you
I use to use epsom salt aswell in small doses I have a diverse soil mix now havnt used in years. epsom salt is a good near instant fix if you have mag deficiency. But you shouldn’t have to use it with proper no till mix look up clackamus coots recipe it’s what I use with some extra amendments. I use kelp alfalfa and lots Of different rock dusts and never have any mag problems. From experience usually a mag deficiency is caused by low ph under 6.0 it makes the plant less able to uptake magnesium different micro and macro nuets uptake best at different ph levels I’ll see if I can find the chart.....
5457A1F5-CDF8-49BF-AB27-4179B23E8059.jpeg What’s a low dose of epsom salt per gallon of water. Don’t have Mg deficiency yet using RO water so I’m trying to figure out where I’m gonna get my Mg. This is for my indoor grow outdoors is not gonna be a problem.
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View attachment 4316135 What’s a low dose of epsom salt per gallon of water. Don’t have Mg deficiency yet using RO water so I’m trying to figure out where I’m gonna get my Mg. This is for my indoor grow outdoors is not gonna be a problem.
I didn't see an answer, no ? mark maybe? So I'll repeat and I think it's Shluby I've seen write 1 tsp / gal. Or then a SMALL amount would be 1/2 tsp/gal.
Nice plants.
Even azomite has some magnesium in it. Unless there's pH problems, it's not really in short supply in most natural soils. One good source is simply worm castings. Magnesium can't gas off like nitrogen, so whatever you put in your worm bins will have that magnesium preserved, and the worms and bacteria will turn it into more soluble form for more immediate needs. Ditto for the roots of your last grow. They contain magnesium as well and the magnesium they contain will eventually be available for the next grow. Magnesium, calcium, and other mineral types are easy to recycle. Nitrogen is a bit more difficult considering the potential losses if conditions aren't optimal.
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If using R/O or low ppm tap, azomite would possibly work better for you, langbeinite if you absolutely dont want/need the CA but can get away with more S/K.