Hey, I've had my plants in jiffy cubes for 4 days now and patiently waiting for enough roots to transplant. A nice healthy root poked out of one of them 2 days ago and suddenly its looking wilted, and browned. Is this something I should be concerned about? I read here that light will kill your...
Question: Which country are you from and do you have hesitations about paying for your seeds with a credit card? (sooo much easier). Or do you prefer the way of the money order?
Hey there, I am a newbie and interested in growing with the NFT system. I am trying to learn as much about it as I can before I buy. Does anyone else use this system? Would love to see some pics!
Hi Everyone! I am brand spankin' new to this forum and to growing. My name is Christine, im 23... and from Alberta, Canada. I am interested in growing indoors with a smallish yeild. I havn't started anything yet cause I dont feel I have adequate knowledge yet... but im getting there! I purchased...