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  • hey man. can't send you a private message. not sure why. i'm not trying to be against you, i don't think you're a cop. but that's not to say you couldn't be. you said it yourself, along the lines of "you don't know what i'm like". i'm not taking that and saying you are one, just pointing out that you are absolutely correct. we don't know who you are. ignore the crap from posters wanting a post on ther post count, i'd like to help, as i'm sure would a couple of others (only a couple of others know of the sites that i'm aware of), but as i said, the site i used to use has had issues with police trying to buy etc etc, and as such they turned toa referal system with email based purchases using alternative matment options tec etc. i would help you, i've helped others, i just don't know you, and neither does the site, and that's jsut how it is online, you have to know that. you post a volt-mod for an ati 5870, with 3 posts under your name, noone will follow your advice and such.
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