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  • well id say that animals are a given especially moose deer and fucken turkeys lol of all things up near here. Hopefully we'll not that that damn hog scourge here. I would advise strond chicken wire around the base girdleing 360 degrees to at least 3 to four feet to keep hungry moose and whitetails at bay, well lets be honest if a moose decides your garden is his and your not around with a .308 or better, he gonna have it! You actually depending on the area be able to utlilze the soil and add basic npk's to the plants base hole before they go in is an excellent method that can bear serious fruit! Check out getawaymountain here at riu, he is a mainer and an master outdoors man when it comes to the ladies!
    So are you thinking I should just test the soil? and add whats needed? have you had problems with animals before? If so how do you deal with them? I have my trapping licence so I can do a little of that in the aera, ( and dont worry I will eat what I catch , I'm a vermonter not a masshole) and Also that would give me a pretty good reason for being out in the area in worst case sanario I see the 5-0
    I grew up in the northeast kingdom ive grown everything from tamarack trees to aloe vera in vermont soil! We are a quiet lil state for good reason! lol!
    hello vermont! In regards to your getting supplies to your area have you considered sleds? Yes i know SLEDS? i grew in granby bog one year and they worked well just a thought!
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