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  1. Vermont

    So are you thinking I should just test the soil? and add whats needed? have you had problems...

    So are you thinking I should just test the soil? and add whats needed? have you had problems with animals before? If so how do you deal with them? I have my trapping licence so I can do a little of that in the aera, ( and dont worry I will eat what I catch , I'm a vermonter not a masshole) and...
  2. Vermont

    Vermont Grow

    I'm growing in the ground, the problem I have found with using pots or grow bags is you have to water them much more than if the plants are directly in the ground
  3. Vermont

    Vermont Grow

    very true, I'm so deep in the middle of nowhere I can build a fence with 120 lb fishing line, it works great its invisible and very effetive for keeping animals away ( execpt for moose ) lol I had one sleep right in the middle of a plot one time, but smaller animals can bet through , i'm also...
  4. Vermont

    Vermont Grow

    8 large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae (i.e., your base soil) 25 to 50 lbs of organic worm castings 5 lbs steamed bone meal 5 lbs Bloom bat guano This is relatively what I'm thinking so far, But ALL INPUT I WILL LOVE TO HEAR!! 5 lbs blood meal 3 lbs...
  5. Vermont

    April or meh?

    do you have clean water in portugal? that might be your first issue
  6. Vermont

    Vermont Grow

    Hello, I have hand selected a new grow spot this year but my problem iw its completly in the middle of nowhere, I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the best possible soil mixture that I should bring out, I cant treck to much stuff out there and I'm only working with another person...