Recent content by Vinivini

  1. V

    Confusing bud grow

    Hi! Im in the southern hemisphere. My plant has been flowering the past 60 days or so. Bud was maturing nicely. Stopped fattening and trichomes started to ripe. But I've been noticing and overall changes in the bud. They seem to be smaller than before (maybe its me) and there's this new growth...
  2. V

    Overnute? Lockout?

    I dont know tho i think ill follow what you say but i dont want to keep damaging it
  3. V

    Overnute? Lockout?

    When i water them the water that comes out is yellow. Isnt that presence of fertilizers on soil? Couldnt be a lockout? I fear giving it nutrients when the problem is nutrient excess
  4. V

    Overnute? Lockout?

    it’s in its 13th week of growth (seeded them on November, they started flowering mid February so about 45 days ago) I used local brands from where I live that’s why I haven’t said them but it’s a potting soil. (Called Growmix multipro) It drains very well and it has this (directly from the...
  5. V

    Overnute? Lockout?

    Hi! I’ve been growing my plants outdoors (southern hemisphere) and I have a problem on one of the plants I still cannot figure it out. It has burn tips and I thought of nute burn. I tried washing the roots and the water came down yellowish but I’ve run a LOT of water through the soil and is...