Overnute? Lockout?


New Member
Hi! I’ve been growing my plants outdoors (southern hemisphere) and I have a problem on one of the plants I still cannot figure it out.
It has burn tips and I thought of nute burn. I tried washing the roots and the water came down yellowish but I’ve run a LOT of water through the soil and is still yellow. I’ve thought of deficiencies and lockup as well. I’m in late flowering so there’s not much I can do (or is it?) but I REALLY want to know what is it since it stunted fattening of buds and overall yield.
Also my other plant (last picture) has upward leaf tips and the serrations as well. Is that overnute?


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You have to describe more, can't tell without knowing what fert you use, how much each feeding, how often, what soil and is there nutrients in it. What light, is it sunlight? what week is it in. anything else you can mention.
You have to describe more, can't tell without knowing what fert you use, how much each feeding, how often, what soil and is there nutrients in it. What light, is it sunlight? what week is it in. anything else you can mention.
it’s in its 13th week of growth (seeded them on November, they started flowering mid February so about 45 days ago)
I used local brands from where I live that’s why I haven’t said them but it’s a potting soil. (Called Growmix multipro) It drains very well and it has this (directly from the translator: Medium-fiber Sphagnum moss peat, Bark Compost, Perlite, Vermiculite, Calcite lime, Dolomite lime, Wetting agents
Fertilizers). I’m using an organic mineral 3-8-11 fertilizer “POT Floración” ( I was using 3ml/L of 5ml/L recommended once every 8-9 days. I stopped using them tho) and for vegetative I used a 7.5-2-10. I use tap water that I let it rest and regulate the pH to 6.5
It’s outdoors in a rooftop it has good sunlight.
You have many pale green to yellowing leaves, making me think it could use more nutrients. Just a one time dose of 5ml/L. Also this plant goes yellow as it finishes and 45 days in flower isn't a long time but it's getting there. I think I'd give a dose of fert and plan on letting it finish without any more as it looks like you're almost there. another 2 weeks at least and just water in the future as you don't want a bunch of fert in the plant at harvest. It's a sativa and I think those are nutrient sensitive, but all that yellowing seems to indicate a shot of fert is needed. Then just water when dry and see what happens.
When i water them the water that comes out is yellow. Isnt that presence of fertilizers on soil? Couldnt be a lockout? I fear giving it nutrients when the problem is nutrient excess
Hi! I’ve been growing my plants outdoors (southern hemisphere) and I have a problem on one of the plants I still cannot figure it out.
It has burn tips and I thought of nute burn. I tried washing the roots and the water came down yellowish but I’ve run a LOT of water through the soil and is still yellow. I’ve thought of deficiencies and lockup as well. I’m in late flowering so there’s not much I can do (or is it?) but I REALLY want to know what is it since it stunted fattening of buds and overall yield.
Also my other plant (last picture) has upward leaf tips and the serrations as well. Is that overnute?

You have thrips on this plant

You state you ran alot of water through the pot. so I doubt its too much nutes. Dont know the timeline of when you did what so.... Dont look at the runoff color doesnt mean much now does it since you ran a bunch of water through it.

I would renute add back microbes and ride it out....add some epsom salt to it as well .

maybe being on a hot roof isnt the best place to grow weed at. Maybe it was so hot it kept sucking up water and fried the plant that way?
Looks like deficiency with a tad bit of overwatering. Doesn't look too bad though. Mostly it probably just needs some food.