My 'girls world' has been turned upside down. Total darkness with humidity 58 to 62% temperature 60 to 63. Expected dry time 10 to 14 days. Sure hate cutting them down.️ Will have to keep a close ️ on the climate control.
Feeling sorry for the people who live in states with no decriminalization. Sad. How many people like us will be arrested for pot tonight? 1 is 1 too many. Is NORML on here? I gave $10 bucks to NORML for the time & money it took to get the law changed here in Virginia. Do what your conscience says is right.
Why does GOOGLE & YOUTUBE refuse to allow cannabis to show in suggestions, well, all but. Does if has too, it will show up when you type in all of the word - the s. Cannabutter was what ya use to get 4 cannabis.
I know now Advanced Nutrients Sensi Coco pH PERFECT part B is the pH PERFECT. 16 ml A & B were 5.4!!! I added extra B & got to 6.2. Now it alters N- P- K. Part B is like pH up. Company the products were bought on Amazon and I believe from the lids on the bottles being damaged that some where they might be watering the nutes down. Would like to hear from you about your products.
Has anyone ever heard the expression, " Keep em barefoot in the winter and pregnant in the summer." ? Good days for some equal bad days for others. Keep the peace.