Recent content by weRideVRods

  1. weRideVRods

    new to growing legal weed. AZ 4300 elevation going to grow outside

    your right about on schedule for that area, have property out by the y past showlow and my pops and mom would grow out there with some friends. my only question is why the autos outside? the window for outside growing up there for monster plants is going to be longer then your autos, so I...
  2. weRideVRods

    Don't miss! $350 Viparspectra 420 Giveaway with New Release XS1000 Grow Kit

    hell yea!! congratulations you guys!! take pics when you get your shit poppin. I just got my second p4000 last light and hung it up, I'm out grocery shopping but when I get back I'll do an update with some pics. man I love seeing people win, at life and at sport, I hope everyone has a kickass...
  3. weRideVRods

    Is this Nutrient Burn or Light Burn?

    hell yea you can live in my tent and I'll feed you fruit roll ups playa.
  4. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    as I look at your pic I step out to this....
  5. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    hang in there, I hope your back to your normal self in no time. kinda lucky I guess though because my whole house was set to get the j&j and then they pulled it so wer just gonna do the 2 step either way I'm a wuss and anything less then 100% makes me drag my butt , best wishes ,Az
  6. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I'll plant one for you!
  7. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    yea I dont really understand that way of thinking, I'm not a hippy but it seems to reason that if wer all made up of atoms then we might just be in this thing together.
  8. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    thanks, yes it was really messed up years ago some asses thought it would be cool to just go out there and shoot horses, my sis and I went out there and armed the horses, it wasnt as much sport I guess when they could shoot back.... disclaimer we aimed high but my sister did scalp a few tires.
  9. weRideVRods

    need help!

    yup I will agree with you, alot of ppl seem to think it's the cure all and go overboard.
  10. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    yea I think so, honestly in what I'll call my past life I caused alot of waves as I passed through so I try to offset that chapter as much as possible
  11. weRideVRods

    Wow It's Settled for me....dwc GSC vs Soil GSC.....not even close....

    sucks to see so many individuals brought to one place only for us to degrade eachother.....I think the willy Nelson is coming out of this shatter I'm dabbing on lol but really I'm gaining knowledge just reading so I guess it's not all bad.
  12. weRideVRods

    need help!

    I use the liouinox once every 2 weeks half strength and I use the calmag once a week and well go see if you can spot anything other then green
  13. weRideVRods

    Wow It's Settled for me....dwc GSC vs Soil GSC.....not even close....

    man I bet I honestly got stuck looking at those pics for a few minutes, damn that shit looks yummy!!! weed will never not amaze me.
  14. weRideVRods

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I'm gonna go to the river today and plant a few trees to show my appreciation to this planet, we have wild horses that live all along lithe river, think I'm gonna plant a shit load of veggies that they can forage on later.
  15. weRideVRods

    Choose the Right Size LED Grow Light for Your Indoor Plants

    holy shit you mean theres ppl on here that are friendly!! I knew I wasnt alone, yes man honestly i studied a bunch of lights that were in my target and the p4000 met it on paper. then within one week it was evident that I picked what was gonna work for me, and being in phx AZ anything that...