Wow It's Settled for me....dwc GSC vs Soil GSC.....not even close....

It makes me look perfect I had to put them there because I didn't do good space management and without it running the humidity stays high...the fan is on's light having a vent in your Garden...would you make a stupid comment like having your plants next to a vent makes you look stupid?? Would you no, so look closely and it's not a fan it's an ac, dehumidifier, and fan....and it has particular you might not have this one yours...your set up looks kinda cheap no offense:-) but there's a low option....I use the remote to move the LED panel to the lowest specifically says for marijuana plants and baby ass should get one:-) So with low I'm able to set the temp that I want, the humidity that I want, and my pistols are growing back so they aren't pregnant, nor do I look ? bad still?
My setup looks cheap? You nailed it. Yup pistils grow back after starting to brown in like week 2 of flower, you got it all figured out.

You look silly.
My setup looks cheap? You nailed it. Yup pistils grow back after starting to brown in like week 2 of flower, you got it all figured out.

You look silly.

Really cause you said they were prego...instead of not understanding it was cause the fan was blasting on them on high
PLUS if you were HALF the grower your buddies were you'd know that plants spit out several groups of pistols....also you'd know that when they only brown on the top of the flower directly underneath a fan....and no where just turn the fan lower...and move on....not tell some new grower he has a hermi....only re-todd-did individuals would think that somehow a plant in week two of flower would already have pollinated itself shows your clear misunderstanding of how nature works.....You know nuts gotta develop then open to spread pollen? Or bananas happen late in flower....neither one of those things happen at the beginnging of week two in flower....but since you don't have real emotions or insight and you just jump on the bandwagon of your we are huh?
Really cause you said they were prego...instead of not understanding it was cause the fan was blasting on them on high
PLUS if you were HALF the grower your buddies were you'd know that plants spit out several groups of pistols....also you'd no that when they only brown on the top of the plants directly underneath a fan....and no where just turn the fan lower...and move on....not tell some new grower he has a hermi....only re-todd-did individuals would think that somehow a plant in
Yeah I'm awful. I grew out one plant that is going to surpass your entire group of plants yield. Just terrible.

I never said they were pollinated, I asked you if you were sure they weren't. Never said you had anything other than a big mouth and no experience.
Yeah I'm awful. I grew out one plant that is going to surpass your entire group of plants yield. Just terrible.

I never said they were pollinated, I asked you if you were sure they weren't. Never said you had anything other than a big mouth and no experience.
Well yea if you have bigger lights and bigger plant that would make sense....and you jumped on that pollinated bandwagon you guys thought it was funny you said it in two different threads...y u cappin? I digres I hope you have one plant that covers 6 square feet because that's the only way you will accomplish that feat. I know some people struggle with facts...especially after the past administration left I don't blame you...I blame your're going to alright trust me....don't fear life, but avoid strangers.. and if i were you i wouldn't chew come and walk...use up all your computational power, your conversation is limited fam...

That's ONE plant mainly in that picture everything execpt for the bottom right is one sour-d......still got two months in flower to go....where is the top of this plant? Where do you see 6 inches in height? I count 70+ tops in the picture.....I'll do a live video of the harvest and weigh can choose any plant you want.....just make sure it's within 2 feet tall so we can be on the same page....wait you don't have the ability to train your sativa...for 50 days and make it onlky a foot and a half tall but 3 feet wide.....I mimicked a sea of green technique with one plant.....I wanted to see if I could and I did. This grow style makes the most sense for smaller spaces and weaker lights...but you don't believe in optimization....I should have grown 4 foot tall plants blocked out the light for the bottom half....(cut that off) just so I can have taller plants to fit into your group of wack crap talkers? naw i'm good.....if this were a commericial grow...I needed this grow to support myself or I was doing ANYTHING other then trying to get the most out of six square feet and have the highest quality to take to my face then maybe you'd have some mermit....but right're just sad...
Well yea if you have bigger lights and bigger plant that would make sense....and you jumped on that pollinated bandwagon you guys thought it was funny you said it in two different threads...y u cappin? I digres I hope you have one plant that covers 6 square feet because that's the only way you will accomplish that feat. I know some people struggle with facts...especially after the past administration left I don't blame you...I blame your're going to alright trust me....don't fear life, but avoid strangers.. and if i were you i wouldn't chew come and walk...use up all your computational power, your conversation is limited fam...

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That's ONE plant mainly in that picture everything execpt for the bottom right is one sour-d......still got two months in flower to go....where is the top of this plant? Where do you see 6 inches in height? I count 70+ tops in the picture.....I'll do a live video of the harvest and weigh can choose any plant you want.....just make sure it's within 2 feet tall so we can be on the same page....wait you don't have the ability to train your sativa...for 50 days and make it onlky a foot and a half tall but 3 feet wide.....I mimicked a sea of green technique with one plant.....I wanted to see if I could and I did. This grow style makes the most sense for smaller spaces and weaker lights...but you don't believe in optimization....I should have grown 4 foot tall plants blocked out the light for the bottom half....(cut that off) just so I can have taller plants to fit into your group of wack crap talkers? naw i'm good.....if this were a commericial grow...I needed this grow to support myself or I was doing ANYTHING other then trying to get the most out of six square feet and have the highest quality to take to my face then maybe you'd have some mermit....but right're just sad...
Yup you're amazing, and I'm sad.
man I bet I honestly got stuck looking at those pics for a few minutes, damn that shit looks yummy!!! weed will never not amaze me.
Yea @Failmore grows some fire shit....not to be on his dick but there's a couple of growers that are producing some nice budz....

I think your all amazing! just playin but it is funny to see the knowledge that is present getting wasted on my dick is bigger type shit .

I'm kinda at fault for instigating it...but there's some characters...I won't name can scroll any post i've ever made on here....that make it a point to criticize any new grower, if they try anything other then the standard....according to them....move past the nonsense there is some good information from the other people....
sucks to see so many individuals brought to one place only for us to degrade eachother.....I think the willy Nelson is coming out of this shatter I'm dabbing on lol but really I'm gaining knowledge just reading so I guess it's not all bad.
With that being....and this could be something I'm doing wrong....but although the Hydro GSC buds are definately pretier and larger....they look...umm less dense...I remember when I was a kid, we used to get this 20 dollar joints in tiny purfume jars in DC, when hydro became looked kinda like mines...but the dirt just looks that normal, has anybody else experience that? is it my imagination?
Here's the hydro well a bud, one of the main cola's this oen has less then the other ones because it's WAAAY younger....20210422_072718.jpg

And the dirt it just looks denser...although albeit pretty tiny...but that's what I read about GSC low yielder20210422_072734.jpg
But the rest of the buds are looking good for one month in....still got 7-9 weeks on these
Sour D20210422_072818.jpg

Blue Dream # 120210422_072850.jpg

Blue Dream #220210422_072830.jpg


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@Apalchen @twentyeight.threefive @bk78

Case in Garden is exactly 18 inches high
This is the bottom of my plant where the light barely gets too look at this fluff. Now If the light can barely reach down there....Why would I want a taller plant?20210422_094145.jpg

This is the max size 300watts of actual draw LED can handle. 20210422_094159.jpg

I calculated the size I wanted ahead of time based on light distribution and figured that anything taller I would have to lollipop anyway so why spend the time and Veg? Could I have made a taller plant? Yes...but 16 days of veg was all I needed because from day one I fimm'ed and used weighted paper clips to bend the stems 90 degrees all in an effort to stunt vertical growth and encourage laterial growth...I think I accomplished that...
Same plant from slighter higher up angle20210422_094742.jpg

This is ALL that my light can handle....or any 6 square foot area because at 300 watts thats 50 watts per square-foot..which is impressive even in a LARGER grow area..which still wouldn't change the fact that if my plants SHOULD HAVE BEEN taller then the bottom buds WOULD HAVE BEEN THICKER...but they are not telling me that I probably have about the correct size...what do you think?

Before you say look at my finished plants...this plant still has almost 2 months to go so it's nowhere near done....I needed the large fan to make sure that there is PLENTY of airflow between here because it's kinda cramped...because my inexperience caused me to have slightly too many tops .... what do you think?
@Apalchen @twentyeight.threefive @bk78

Case in Garden is exactly 18 inches high
This is the bottom of my plant where the light barely gets too look at this fluff. Now If the light can barely reach down there....Why would I want a taller plant?View attachment 4884836

This is the max size 300watts of actual draw LED can handle. View attachment 4884837

I calculated the size I wanted ahead of time based on light distribution and figured that anything taller I would have to lollipop anyway so why spend the time and Veg? Could I have made a taller plant? Yes...but 16 days of veg was all I needed because from day one I fimm'ed and used weighted paper clips to bend the stems 90 degrees all in an effort to stunt vertical growth and encourage laterial growth...I think I accomplished that...
Same plant from slighter higher up angleView attachment 4884843

This is ALL that my light can handle....or any 6 square foot area because at 300 watts thats 50 watts per square-foot..which is impressive even in a LARGER grow area..which still wouldn't change the fact that if my plants SHOULD HAVE BEEN taller then the bottom buds WOULD HAVE BEEN THICKER...but they are not telling me that I probably have about the correct size...what do you think?

Before you say look at my finished plants...this plant still has almost 2 months to go so it's nowhere near done....I needed the large fan to make sure that there is PLENTY of airflow between here because it's kinda cramped...because my inexperience caused me to have slightly too many tops .... what do you think?

Cute plants, mine have a couple months to go too.

Cute plants, mine have a couple months to go too.

View attachment 4884880
In all seriousness your making my only point is why grow them so large that you need to cut off so much of the plant?
I just grow them smaller and faster BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE SPACE OR THE LIGHT to grow them that large...this is the point i've been trying to make this whole time...

and if I'm being entirely honest..with no humility @bk78 you seen my grow journal and know I fucked up the entire first month and had to start over...I had originally planned to veg for 30 days...but when I started all over I didn't want to wait another 30 days to see I kinda didn't plan after 16 days I flipped them I couldn't wait....and you know turned out that I'm kinda over crowded maybe my screw up was my saving grace?
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That ONE plant would take up my entire grow space......then i'd only get one strain at a time.....

If I would planted one plant successfully in hydro this ENTIRE time...then yes I could accomplish that but that doesn't help me at all....I've never argued that for YOUR space that isn't ideal...I SIMPLY said for mine I wanted more strains in a small space so I had some variation when I smoke this personal grow....some people grow fewer plants larger...some grow more plants smaller......why are we fighting?
I got GSC, Sour-D and Blue-D in 6 square feet with a spider farmer 2000w and 1000w light...thats not some ultra premere california's not some high-powered's got a great spectrum, doesn't get to hot, can get it pretty close to the plants without burning them....
And when you show me that you had to cut lollipop the bottom you seriously don't think it would make sense to veg less and cut off less...maybe i'm just crazy in thinking seems like common-sense but maybe it truely doesn't apply to cannabis and I just sound stupid...I guess I'll have to grow one plant large and compare the harvest amount.....that's the only thing that's going to settle this...
Hey I'll be the adult here....let's stop's kinda fun but I'm super childish and i keep carrying this on...let's call a truce...
I'm sorry for the mean things I said...
Now can we have a serious discussion on my logic above is it really just crazy? If you spent less time in veg, grew more plants..harvested more often..would that be better for a smaller grow or would larger plants harvested less often, but obviously more with no variation at all...but maybe a slightly bigger harvest?
In all seriousness your making my only point is why grow them so large that you need to cut off so much of the plant?
I just grow them smaller and faster BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THE SPACE OR THE LIGHT to grow them that large...this is the point i've been trying to make this whole time...
Oh I didn’t need to cut anything off, once you figure it out, you will use techniques that yield better too. Blaming light and space is fine but spending 4-5 months for little plants with sub par yields seems silly every time to me. If you want, when I have time later, I can dig up some 300w tent grow pics for reference so you can visualize.