Recent content by WeSmkDro

  1. WeSmkDro

    I wish y'all were here ...

    to blaze some of this sweet cheeba. M
  2. WeSmkDro

    flushed now i want to give nutes again, how do i proceed.

    you think if i was at 7 originally and went back in with 5mlpg that i will slip by without burn?
  3. WeSmkDro

    flushed now i want to give nutes again, how do i proceed.

    so basically i want to know if you think it will burn if i just throw it back on regular nute strength.
  4. WeSmkDro

    flushed now i want to give nutes again, how do i proceed.

    what im worried about are the repercussions of going from straight water and only my canna boost nutes back to my normal nute feeding for flower. i dont want to burn my shiznit.
  5. WeSmkDro

    flushed now i want to give nutes again, how do i proceed.

    i was trying to flush the nutes out before harvest, but i decided after starting the final cleansing i started coming to the realization that im harvesting to early. I have decided i would like to continue with nutrients until it is time for harvest. how may i proceed my friend?
  6. WeSmkDro

    flushed now i want to give nutes again, how do i proceed.

    btw i am on last 2 weeks of flowering.
  7. WeSmkDro

    flushed now i want to give nutes again, how do i proceed.

    i flushed my plant, now i decided i should tough it out and wait a little longer for things to ripen. If i was at 7mlpg before, and watered with straight water and bloom nutes for 3 days straight, how should i proceed getting back on a nutrient schedule. I watered again today with 5mlpg of a and...
  8. WeSmkDro

    Aero Cloner Turned off - Clones salvagable or no?

    these clones still havent rooted, should i be worried?
  9. WeSmkDro

    Aero Cloner Pump Turned off - Clones Salvagable or no?

    thank you disposition for your advice. They had been in there for about 4 days. Since turning the water back on they have already started to perk up. Should i not be worried about this affecting the speed of growth or dankness of the plants after/if they establish roots?
  10. WeSmkDro

    Aero Cloner Turned off - Clones salvagable or no?

    has anyone else ran into this problem? do you think if i continue, and the clones survive, that the strength and verocity of the plants will be hindered? should i just retake clones?
  11. WeSmkDro

    Aero Cloner Turned off - Clones salvagable or no?

    how bad were the bottoms of the stems? were you a couple days in? they def dried up a bit ... its only like 3 days in root but still ... shitty. lol.
  12. WeSmkDro

    Aero Cloner Turned off - Clones salvagable or no?

    Hey everyone, its been a long time since ive posted. I have a 5 gallon diy aero cloner that holds seven clones that i just started running. I did something stupid last night. I went in there, unplugged the pump so i could check for root bumps, and left it off. I go back in this morning and...
  13. WeSmkDro

    Aero Cloner Pump Turned off - Clones Salvagable or no?

    Hey everyone, its been a long time since ive posted. I have a 5 gallon diy aero cloner that holds seven clones that i just started running. I did something stupid last night. I went in there, unplugged the pump so i could check for root bumps, and left it off. I go back in this morning and...
  14. WeSmkDro

    Red Spidermites 2 weeks away from harvest... HELP PLEASE!!! : (

    hey everyone , I have 3 plants about 2 weeks away from harvest right now in my closet. Ive had azamax throughout the whole grow but didnt use because i didnt think id be vulnerable to spider mites. When i was looking at my CRAZY trichs on one of my girls i saw a red spec. after examination i...