Aero Cloner Pump Turned off - Clones Salvagable or no?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

its been a long time since ive posted. I have a 5 gallon diy aero cloner that holds seven clones that i just started running. I did something stupid last night. I went in there, unplugged the pump so i could check for root bumps, and left it off. I go back in this morning and they are droopy, i freak out, and then notice that i forgot to plug it in. I have a mother that i can retake clones off of. The bottom under the neopreme pucks are looking like they dried out for real ...

Should i start over or attempt to get roots off the dried clones? The pump was off about 10-13 hours ... lol.


thank you!


Well-Known Member
How long had they been in there when this happened? If they
were already a few days in I wouldn't worry that much and just
keep at it. If you had taken them earlier that day or very recently
you might be better off starting from scratch, though I bet they'd
survive with enough time.


Well-Known Member
thank you disposition for your advice. They had been in there for about 4 days. Since turning the water back on they have already started to perk up. Should i not be worried about this affecting the speed of growth or dankness of the plants after/if they establish roots?


Well-Known Member
When I had it happen they were already going for a few days and like
you said they were wilted, but started to come back up. I did notice
that that batch took longer, and I believe that was the reason why.

I wouldn't worry about starting over though, it was only like 5-7 days
longer than normal, and not worth molesting the moms more. I don't
think it will effect any of the genetics of the plant, just a little stress
that might slow things down temporarily.