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  • That pissed me off so damn much. WTF? I want to reach through the computer and rip his dick right off.
    Greetings, cuteness :)

    I probably haven't even viewed a fraction of the 'Half naked women' pics on RIU, but cheesy swimsuit snaps of women dipped in vegetable oil, simply don't do much to me :)

    Maybe it's to do with the way the media portray naked women as meat, and the fact that the models they use allow that image to be cultivated. No, it's more than that.. I like warm, intelligent and sensual, and there's just none of that in those sorts of images.

    It could also be that there are so many beautiful woman around, that beauty alone bores me: Flesh without personality is - at best - like a beautiful flower with no scent at all.

    Hands-down my favourite part of a woman is her neck: That beautiful smell of warm skin is the best smell on earth. And we all smell slightly different: No other woman's neck, wrists, stomach or hair would smell quite like yours - only you can smell like you :)

    Thank you for visiting my fellow puppy-loving Chica! :)
    Morning luv :) MMMMM i'm still craving poutine, even at 8:28am lol
    Fancy cheese u say? pics!!!! I luv cheese. Hey no worries on the pic, as a poutine expert i must exploit any wrong doings ;)
    likewise you seem like a nice young lady ..
    if you ever need any help with anything or just a chat let me know
    i am always happy to help nice folk :)
    and hinder not so nice folk

    and why shouldn't you be naughty, being good all the time would be just plain boring
    keep up the good work, raising the morale of the riu troops with your naughty wayz:)
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