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  • amazing man... i think i found a place to score a timer...

    Man, its real costly here in India.. 6.5 thousand bux :|

    Good thing that u growing widow man, are u getting clones or seeds? Hw much u paying for em?
    no bro gt a friend to send some... gting 4 white widows an 4 blueberry haze from another frnd....
    timer no idea as yet... am gting 1 from a gardening shol that turn on the water system... atseast a frnd has that system in his farm im going to check it out soom... will let u know if its workable
    Hey are u growing bagseeds ya fir order kiya?
    Do u have a timer with u?.. can u temme where i can find one?
    Im from Mumbai dude... and u?.. I use those Clay Chillums... I have a Brass Chillum brought from Haridwar and a Stone one from Shirdi.. :)
    Dude, atlast i found an India Grower... Do message me back... Im waiting for ur reply... loads to share and talk :)
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