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  1. FmSwayze

    ** Bag Of Oranges ** Community Journal **

    I really like the flower structure on that front left. What is that?
  2. FmSwayze

    Setting up dtw coco 2.5x5 tent

    I would think the clorox would kill the all the bacteria including the BTI this is interesting! Your brave! Lmao
  3. FmSwayze

    Could someone please tell me what's wrong with my plant.

    I think it's cool that they are studying and collecting data. However, 99% of home/hobby growers are going to be limited by resources, knowledge and equipment. Some things will be applicable, but most of it will be forum rhetoric.
  4. FmSwayze

    Humidity, Burping, Curing - oh my!

    I want to do something similar, could you go into more depth on this process and controller settings. Thanks
  5. FmSwayze

    Ohio Growers Thread

    First post prohibition grow, week 7 of flower. Bag of Oranges S2 FMFX and BOO BOO FMFX
  6. FmSwayze

    Ohio Growers Thread

    *Bump* @Fatjoe @MeOhMyOhio
  7. FmSwayze

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    What's fert you using?
  8. FmSwayze

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    Then you doubled it.
  9. FmSwayze

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    What's a full dose per gallon?
  10. FmSwayze

    CSI humboldt thread

  11. FmSwayze

    VPD and drying - An overview

    Have you/or are you using this method currently? My aim here within a few weeks is to set my controller up via VPD to mimic the dew point numbers. My understanding is that is what the new tech is using canatrol* . 68f 61rh dew point 54
  12. FmSwayze

    Chronicles of Cultivation

    The Bloom Oasis Day 124 Wow what a journey yall! We are starting week 8 on our first run inside The Bloom Oasis. The Dr Earth has been legit, with my busy schedule and focus on efficiency it has worked out to my advantage. Today may just be the BOOs' last feeding, we hit her with a cup of...
  13. FmSwayze

    First Grow 2x2x4 Tent

    IMO no. You may perhaps until the end remove only those blocking bud sites.
  14. FmSwayze

    F3 Valley Ice. (Matanuska x SFV OG)

    That's unbelievable, the potential of outdoor is amazing. I've heard good things about the MTF. The name alone is legendary
  15. FmSwayze

    F3 Valley Ice. (Matanuska x SFV OG)

    That's a beauty!
  16. FmSwayze

    Dr. Earth Cannabis Cultivators' Thread

    Propagation Station Day 29 Alright family we are rolling right along. Growing different cultivars is going to be fun and challenging. Already these young ones are hungry hungry hippos! I have a feeling they will be needing a heavier top dress, we will get them together. I'm taking a different...
  17. FmSwayze

    Could someone please tell me what's wrong with my plant.

    I think the reduction on intensity did help. I've noticed my trichome heads are more intact after backing down my lights. Great observations! Beautiful too!
  18. FmSwayze

    JayDoobie's Royal Grow Journal

    How you like the Stonington blend?
  19. FmSwayze

    Jimski's Grow Journal

    Taco at 14k lux? What meter you using
  20. FmSwayze

    SIP’n with Hook Daddy

    That's such a unique plant, I love it!