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  1. C

    How bad are fungus gnats?

    I got some microbe lift BMC wondering how long it’s gonna take for that stuff to work. I’m in week four of flower and I had them for about a week and a half now, just wondering how long it’s actually gonna take for them to start doing damage to the roots, I’ve used peroxide in the past when I...
  2. C

    How bad are fungus gnats?

    I got some microbe lift BMC, Two drops to a gallon, how long does it take for the stuff to work?
  3. C

    How bad are fungus gnats?

    I recently used a tea for my plants, Im in living soil and shortly after fungus gnat’s galore. Going to use some gnatrol to get them under control but and just wondering how much will they affect my grow? I’ve heard people say just ignore them and others say they are the devil. Anyone with...
  4. C

    Starting flower today

    Week 3
  5. C

    Cretivity CTII 720W grow light

    I don’t think I have that option on mine. But it definitely burned my last run on the tops when I was within 2 ft turned up all the way I keep it at like 90% now about 36 inches away
  6. C

    Cretivity CTII 720W grow light

    It’s going pretty good, it doesn’t get too hot it has a dimmer on it, and a good footprint, it’s the first LED light I’ve ever used though so I don’t know. I just got a HLG. Rspec 600, going to try that out next run and see what the difference is. But for the price I would say it’s definitely a...
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    Starting flower today

    And this is my mother plant that I’m flowering, again I thinned everything out too early, she looks like a nightmare.
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    Starting flower today

    Start of week 2
  9. C

    Starting flower today

    How the hell is it so cheap then?!?
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    Starting flower today

    How are they selling it so cheap? Is it all greenhouse?
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    Starting flower today

    Really need to defoliate My timing sucked when I thinned them out. week 3 I’m gonna clean all of them up a bit
  12. C

    Starting flower today

    Start of week 2 flower Inconsistencies in the stretch The mother isn’t stretching as far as some of the other plants.
  13. C

    Starting flower today

    Ya The rules are ridiculous but I’ll take what I can get. It feels a lot better and I’m not putting in air filters and being paranoid. Arizona is a nightmare if you get in trouble. They love jail. Just have to grow huge plants. the cost of marijuana in Colorado is crazy!! I just went there for...
  14. C

    Starting flower today

    One is a mother 5 months old 7 vegged for a month and a half 4 only verged for 3 week Just wanted to extra plants in there even if they weren’t going to do anything too crazy Legally can only have 12 so I might as well
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    Flowering mothers

    Hoping she does well, it is like a jungle and I defoliated and lollipopped her too early. She had time to grow back everything extra crazy now. I’m waiting to defoliate again at week 3 of flower. This strain is very leggy and is going to have so many tiny bud sights all over it. I’ve never grown...
  16. C

    Starting flower today

    Wanted to post this so I had proof that it happened
  17. C

    Funny light cycle

    I recently realized that my plants were on a lighting schedule that had the lights going off at night for veg. I switched the schedule so that the plants would be going dark in the middle of the day. That was last week. I then also realized that my plants were on a 17/7 schedule. that being said...
  18. C

    Flowering mothers

    When you flower your mother plant is there any issues? Meaning are they prone to turn Hermie?
  19. C


    Also one of my plants is my mother that I’m flowering. Have you ever ran into problems flowering a mother? She’s a monster that I topped to get her closer to the other plants height. She looks healthy. I’ve read that sometimes mothers get weird when you flower them.