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  1. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    'I see you've played knifey, spoony before....'
  2. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Jeebus @Jeffislovinlife !!! Could you have purchased messier foods to make on a brand new stove?!?! - lol
  3. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    At least you got that done ahead of the postal strike! Must cost a fortune :shock:
  4. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Happy Friday all y’all! Levi has a basketball tournament this weekend in Bradford so I’m on home duty with Boomer & Dax. Think if it’s just us, we will start the gift wrapping! Jam out to some holiday tune-age and get our wrap on!!! Stay elevated!
  5. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Can indigestion occur visually?
  6. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

  7. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Mernin’ y’all, In the end, snow didn’t accumulate like expected, but it’s slippery out there! Be excellent to each other.
  8. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Agreed! The GG4 CJ was helpful even though the plant limped over the line and was a less than ideal genetic specimen, had a blast!
  9. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Someone got his Holiday hairs did today!!! His groomer sends us these and posts to Insta when his cut is done. Hilarious
  10. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Mornin’ all y’all. Snowing here today and witches teet kinda cold again. Sigh. Was gonna go into the office today, but fudge that shirt. Stay elevated
  11. DMChiz

    How do outdoor growers keep their plants clean and bug-free?

    Wise counsel. I’ve just ordered seed and focused on outdoor specific pedigree Also second having a good regimen of plant wash. Used Lost Coast this past season and it was good. Will just have to be more diligent in using even early in veg to keep things at bay. Otherwise, every climate is...
  12. DMChiz

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    Welcome to RIU! I personally don’t use the dome and like @Wastei noted, stagnant air is no bueno. Think you can remove and get some air circulating, you’ll be in a good spot. Don’t know from dwc, I’m a dirt dude, but pulling for ya all the same! GL!
  13. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    I know everyone is off natural gas these days for environmental reasons, but we have a GE Cafe gas range and I love it. For outdoors, I too like @DarkWeb have a Webber just with less snow than his ;) When does the fun start on the remodel @shnkrmn?
  14. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Exactly!!! I always try and push it to 8 weeks, but with supplies dwindling...... I have the other 4 strains/bags that will go the full 8, this one is just the first up.....
  15. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Okay, while not a true conundrum, (its just indecision), I'm at 7 weeks curing on the GG4 and supplies are diminishing. 1) Crack it open? 2) Leave it be dumbass, its only one more week
  16. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Still young for that! Though candidly, the boys watch me grow and cultivate cannabis, vegetables, etc., in the yard. My goal here is not to weaponize the plant. It’s an excellent opportunity to teach them about diligence, patience and the love of watching something you cared for and grew come...
  17. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    I was just bouncin’ to this tune with my 11 y/o on the weekend! He did ask about the line “roll a few” :P Certainly cold out there as @Laughing Grass noted, but I’ll take the Vitamin D any day! Be excellent to each other!
  18. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Bravo! I thought I was being decidedly 'un-male' by having stuff ordered a month out ;) As it turns out, the postal strike hasn't impacted holiday shopping. It has however, fucked my shit up with seeds.....
  19. DMChiz

    Happy Birthday shnkrmn

    Happiest of Happies to you!!!
  20. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Happy Monday all y’all! Hope everyone survived the long weekend and is adequately full of poultry (guessing the leftover train is still in the station). Sun is shining and it’s cold AF. Checks calendar….December in Canada alright :)