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  1. S

    Why is this photoperiod flowering in veg?

    Could be just in the genes somehow from a long lost relative.
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    Virginia Growers Thread

    Same here lol. But the penalty for growing more than 4 but no more than 10 is only a civil offense with a small fine. Not even a misdemeanor. and i’ve even heard most police will let you keep whichever 4 you want lol.
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    Virginia Growers Thread

    Up to 10 plants really is a slap on the wrist for the first offense, barely even a slap really. Just sayin
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    Plants uptake nutrients at night?

    What about SIP’s? Theoretically The moisture level stays the same all the time? Plants grow phenomenally in these type of pots.
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    My thoughts on the levo

    I decarb in the levo. And i either use flower or bubble hash that i make I think i prefer the bubble hash. Easier to make higher potentcy oil. Or quicker anyway. With flower i do it in phases, i’ll decarb 1.5- 2 oz usually doing about .75 oz at a time. I feel like it does better not packing...
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    My thoughts on the levo

    yeah, just follow the instructions with the levo. Decarb first then infuse. Works for me. Infuse 16 oz of coconut oil with about 2oz of flower and you should have a potent pint of oil.
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    Virginia Growers Thread

    Southwest Virginia here 15 miles from Tennessee. Lost 96% of my outdoor this year to the rot. That fkn cold wet stretch back in June started it all. Fought it all summer and lost. Probably lost somewhere between 6-8 pounds. And I’m growing in a covered area kind of a partial greenhouse type...
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    New to sativas and am not sure if it’s ready

    SD looks good enough to me, i vote not yet on the AH
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    Southwest Virginia outdoor

    Anyone in the area gonna have a good season? Cause I surely am not. Have lost 90% to mold/rot/ botrytis whatever u wanna call it. If you are i’d love to know how you beat the mold
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    Orange pistils day 14 flower!!

    You spray anything on em?
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    The growers ally stuff didn’t do shit for me in the mold fighting war. I used the 3 n 1 crop defender and the fungicide.Didn’t slow the mold down one bit. Seems like i did have less bug damage than usual though. I just switched to zerotol. Hopefully it’ll do something. Have lost alot this year.
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    Has Anyone Ever Used Liquid Calcium Carbonate or This Company? This stuff is cal mag without nitrate. I’ve yet to try it. Will get to it one day. Not the cheapest option though nor the most expensive.
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    Horrible disease killing my plants

    I feel contaminated now from just looking at a photo of that
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    Black splotches on plant. Yellowing leaves

    10 degrees would be nice assuming you have LED lights 78-82ish degrees is what you want. Idk how i know it lol. I’m not saying thats your only problem maybe you have others but i think you gotta start there.
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    Skunk seeds just germinated from the mid 1980's - 35 years old!!!

    Late bloomer. Thanksgiving harvest
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    Wtb seeds

    I’ve got some Appalachia crosses i just harvested, app x app Blueberry muffin x app Stardawg x app Ripper haze x app Ol’ slew foot x app got a few skunk#1 crosses too with some of the same as above
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    Trim Bucket or Harvest Bucket or Trim Bag

    Exactly how dry does it have to be for the trim bag? because i kinda get the feeling it may have to be dryer than i like it. It’s the one thing holding me back from getting one. I’m not into dusty weed.
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    Trim Bucket or Harvest Bucket or Trim Bag

    Yeah dry trimming is the way for me. I never have time to harvest and trim all at once. Doin it dry lets me get at it when i have the time.