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  1. S

    Trim Bucket or Harvest Bucket or Trim Bag Does anyone have direct experience with either of these products? I’m trying to decide on one or the other. Both buckets are similar in price ($350ish). Both look like they do a nice job. I’ve...
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    Pics of mutants

    Double seed. Its a first for me. Just harvested it, i will definitely be growing this thing to see what happens
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    My thoughts on the levo

    You can’t blame the levo, it works. Lots of people get great results with it. I know i do. Just started using bubble hash in mine and they’re fkn incredible. I make different strength gummies ranging from 15-100 mg each. Using flower i range from 15 mg and 60 mg. Less weed taste using hash...
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    I don’t really believe that those seeds are more likely to herm than any other seeds. Theres always a chance with any seeds. I know sometimes hermies are stress related and grower caused, but sometimes it’s just the plant doing EXACTLY whats in its nature to do which is to ultimately reproduce...
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    1990/2000's strains/taste?

    Whats gmo stand for anyways?
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    Growing sideways

    You’d still have to train it to keep going sideways so just bend it over from the start and be done.
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    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    It’s still cookin
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    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Looks just like mine , very recognizable
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    Any and all input is loved ❤️

    ……at work
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    Gonna be visiting england soon, are there any “seed banks” with actual stores to check out while i’m there? Gonna be in london and manchester and possibly a few other places, wouldn’t mind bringing home some souvenirs. thanks
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    Any and all input is loved ❤️

    Watch out for bugs hitchin a ride back inside when u go back an forth with plants
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    Recipy Gummies

    I use that same recipe too. But i use different jello(just one box). you can increase the oil to 3/4 cup and it still works great. I also add a heavy teaspoon of sugar.
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    My thoughts on the levo

    You should try using hash instead of flower if you want super strong. Or run multiple batches of flower through the same oil.
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    Levo and bubble hash

    Gonna use the levo, and some bubble hash to infuse coconut oil. Usually i use flower, was wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks using bubble hash with the levo machines. Thanks
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    Worried about light leaks in my outdoor grow

    Get a BB gun an shoot out the bulbs lol
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    Is ordering soil online a bad idea ?

    You gotta pay shipping one way or another so yeah to me its a bad idea. Look around your area for a wholesale greenhouse /landscape supply place. I get fox farm ocean forest for $14 a bag ,1.5 cu ft. The cheapest any retailer in my area has it for is about $23. Some places charge closer to $30.
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    What would you say is your peronal single most chosen additive?

    Foliar spray of pro-tekt, epsom salt, and kelp.
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    greenleaf megacrop

    Does anyone use or has tried just part A by itself for bloom/flower feed?
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    Did my autos go back into veg?

    Thats pretty cool hope you’ll use this thread to let us follow progress of this weirdo. If i were you and had pollen i’d breed it lol.
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    Help ID 2 different kind of bugs

    Went outside to fkn bugpalooza today anybody know what these are and if they’re enemies or friends? First three pics are one kind last pic is a different kind